:amen: N3FOL! My dad taught me it's better to yield and stay alive than to be "DEAD" right by instisting on having your right-of-way. Never assume that the driver in the other car(s) knows how to drive or is paying any attention to the road. BTW, We're in Atlanta now but wife's from York, just a few miles SE of you.
The Prius makes me want to drive slower around town. I spend a lot of time watching the gas mileage screen, and that keeps the speed down below 41 mph on 35 mph roads. On the highway, it's like any other car, but watching that screen always keeps you driving moderately. You get a mpg mentality with the car that isn't there with a conventional car. The effect is you drive slower and safer. That's why hybrids are a necessity for the future.
It's not just the Hybrids. I've got the SGII on the Avalon while on the wait list. We picked up ~3mpg. Went from 17-19mpg average per normal tank, >20-21, with knowledge obtained though use of SGII. I'm not going to buy a second SGII when the Prius arrives, but I will be getting a second cable. One to route more perminately in the Prius and one for occasional use on the Avalon, or to check codes our our childrens cars. For those for you with second non-hybrid cars, 1999 or later, you may want to check it out if you hav not alredy done so. Just a suggestion, not advocating anything.
I have to agree with PriusSport (post 22), the MFD trip info page helps me to stay at or just below the limit - mostly as I'm trying to use either stealth or hyper stealth. On a quiet empty road that's great, on a highway then yes drive normally. But back to topic: I feel safe in a Prius because..... Despite my limited vechular experience this is by and far the most comforting car I've ever driven. Just this week I unfourtunately had to do an Ebrake as one of the farmers roosters, on my way to work, decieded to play chicken! Unlike any other car/van I've driven, it came to an almost instant stop and I felt like I was cushioned by the seat instead of slammed back against it. For me it's the feeling of support and space that make me feel alot safer then my old car : a SMART fortwo!!! Of all the different types of cars I've driven (all 11) I think that as this is just so easy to drive I pay a lot more attention to what's going on around me and am more aware of the traffic.
I think the highlighted parts of Dave's post more or less say it all. But to expand on Dave's post: 1. The "Good" rating is the highest rating on the IIHS crash tests. 2. The "Very good" and "Excellent" ratings on the Gov't tests are normally referred to as 4 stars and 5 stars respectively, and are the two highest ratings on the Gov't tests. 3. Be sure to get at least option package #2, which has Vehicle Stability Control (generally considered the biggest advancement in automobile safety since the seat belt) and Back-up Camera (which displays a rear view that includes what would otherwise be the car's rear view blind spot). 4. Consider getting the Touring Edition, which as Consumer Reports observed, handles better and safer than the Standard Prius and has significantly shorter braking distances (10 feet shorter at 60-0 mph).
Where are the 8 air bags, i only count 6 left curtain, right curtain, steering wheel, passenger, and 1 air bag in each seat (fronts) or are the curtain air bags two actual air bags (like a front and a rear air bag) i thought it was just 1 on each side
Hey I'm not fighting with anyone, we agree. Have an accident in a badly built car and you get more hurt, no doubt. All I'm saying is a good driver will be aware or the car and their own limits and the limits of the prevailing conditions including the road and other drivers and drive in a manner which takes all that into account. I'm on the road 8 to 10 hours a day, many truck drivers are behind the wheel 14 or more hours a day, and feel quite relaxed because they develop the skills to predict the action of others around them and the behaviour of their vehicle. They also learn to allow for that which can not be predicted. So there is no argument here. I have a friend who doesn't drive and says she is scared of cars, she is so scared that she wont get in a car with her husband driving. I drove all over England with her, to Wales, Scotland and around Northern England and she was quite comfortable especially on my last of 3 visits but still would not get in a car with her husband. He knew she was scared of cars but he came with us and saw her in the car chatting and relaxed but he still thinks she is scared of cars. I had 3 separate cars, a Yaris, a Vauxhall Meriva and a VW Polo and she was fine in all 3 but seemed to be more relaxed on the last visit in the Polo which was smaller than the Yaris and the Meriva. Must have been the car.
I feel safe in my Prius because in the last month I've had to hit the gas hard and maneuver the car quickly to get out of the way of a speeding SUV; and slam on brakes when a car pulled out right in front of me. Both times the car did as it was asked - exactly. No sliding, no slipping, no hesitation, and it stopped on a dime on wet pavement. I am used to driving cars like the Maxima and the Passat known for their handling and I was worried about how the Prius would compare. I can say I am very happy with how this car has handled thus far.