Jeep Junkie thinking of purchasing a Prius - HELP ME!

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Main Forum' started by bardgal, Mar 12, 2005.

  1. bardgal

    bardgal Prius Koolaidâ„¢ drinker

    Mar 12, 2005
    Toluca Lake, CA
    2008 Prius
    I am a Jeep (Wrangler) Junkie. I currently drive a 2001 Wrangler Sport, 5-spd, soft top. I am a girl, so I am not biologically designed to LOVE a vehicle, but WOW, do I ever LOVE MY JEEP. But I have been thinking of getting a Prius because the OIL MEN are EVIL, and it's the right thing to do..... but I am torn. I didn't think I would be, but the time has come and I am. (I know, I am shocked and ashamed of myself.)

    My lease is up, and I either purchase the Jeep I'm driving now - but why pay five more years on the same vehicle when I can pay five years for a NEW ONE and OWN IT? Get a new 6-sp Jeep (Wrangler or nothing). Get a Prius (yes they're on the lots now with no waiting - hooray!) Or get a WOW deal on a Mitsubishi Galant at $100 0ver invoice with three years of free service.

    I don't do a ton of driving right now. I fill my Jeep up maybe twice a month. I have NEVER had a single problem with the Jeep. NOT ONE. It is the most dependable car I've ever had. Period. I also love driving a 5-speed. The Jeep guys are going to throw in 2 years of free service...

    So - Talk to me. Talk me in - or out. I need to make this decision in the next few days.

  2. scottw07071961

    scottw07071961 New Member

    Mar 12, 2005
    Hey Jeep girl!
    I just on a waiting list for my new Prius, and I think I understand your dilemma. I'm passing up an Acura RSX or Scion tC for the Prius. Part of me says I'll be missing out on the sports car vibe, but the Prius makes so much sense I just can't pass it up. So...I'm 'giving in'...but I think I'll be REALLY happy when I get it. The fuel economy and reliability record sold me (I've been a big Toyota fan for years). And it will be a real attention getter. It really makes a statement. Hope this helps! Scott W. 3-12-05
  3. Charles Suitt

    Charles Suitt Senior Member

    Oct 8, 2004
    Dallas TX
    2012 Prius
    Hi "Jeep Girl"

    Far be it from me to attempt to *sell* you on the Prius. My advice: Just go to the Prius forums and read the posts. The Prius technology is (to me and some others) absolutely fascinating, the fuel savings (particularly in the light of apparent upcoming fuel prices) are welcome.
  4. richard schumacher

    richard schumacher shortbus driver

    Mar 27, 2004
    United States
    2004 Prius
    Don't forget to test drive the Prius. I sold my Cherokee without regret.
  5. bardgal

    bardgal Prius Koolaidâ„¢ drinker

    Mar 12, 2005
    Toluca Lake, CA
    2008 Prius
    I have driven it. I have to say, I love driving a 5-spd. I love being up above the traffic. I love having a V6. I do admit the Prius has way more HP than I thought it would - that rocked.

    So - compare the Prius to the Cherokee.....

    Jeep Girl
  6. richard schumacher

    richard schumacher shortbus driver

    Mar 27, 2004
    United States
    2004 Prius
    Well, if you're asking for a purely subjective opinion: the Cherokee's only advantage was better visibility. Overall the Prius is the most satisfying car I've ever driven. Despite being a techno-ecogeek I do enjoy speeding away from most SUVs and light trucks at traffic lights, especially when going uphill.
  7. Tideland Prius

    Tideland Prius Moderator of the North
    Staff Member

    Oct 2, 2004
    Other Non-Hybrid
    No to mention the Prius has a lower centre of gravity than an SUV which helps in stability. Its long wheelbase allows for generous room despite its small size (which is a plus for parking in tight spaces. It's 3 inches shorter than a Corolla with the interior space of a Camry!). I'm not sure which package you're going with but at least get one with the SKS. You'll never want to go back to the lock and key again. Judging by how infrequently you drive, it's possible you won't fill up until the end of every month!
  8. TonyPSchaefer

    TonyPSchaefer Your Friendly Moderator
    Staff Member

    May 11, 2004
    Far-North Chicagoland
    2017 Prius Prime
    Prime Advanced
    bardgal, where in the world are you - if you don't mind telling. Perhaps someone here can show you their Prius. The only true way to know if you're going to liek something is to check it out, try it one, see if it fits.

    Folks, who here would be interested in making a Prius sale? Spread the joy, give the girl a test drive.
  9. V8Cobrakid

    V8Cobrakid Green Handyman

    Jun 6, 2004
    Park View, Los Angeles, CA. U.S.A
    2004 Prius
    Sport cars... a lot of people state things like this. I myself would almost be more tempted to get the Scion TC.. sexy car. Slap some low profile wheels on the prius and you can out handle most cars. I do it all the time. I still get over 40mpg too.. better than any other car out there.

    If you're wanting HP.. the prius has it. Don't shun me.. but earlier today i was able to keep up with an Acura TSX R and a Mitsubishi Eclipse. We were going down the highway at very high speeds at times. I do have the 17" low profiles though. At the end of my racing experiance, i was still above 40mpg average.

    the prius achieves over 25mpg while holding a constant 100mpg

    So.. fuel economy. The car does have a break in period.. of almost 20k miles. It will out last any other car though.. plain and simple.

    Visibility.. most of the cars out there are.. cars.. some trucks.. some SUVs.. but most are cars. you sit kinda high in the prius. After a while.. you can see plenty. You're not above the world, you're in it.. you're just taller than most cars of this type.

    I travel almost 200 miles a day. I've tested my prius in every condition except desert and snow. I could probably answer a lot of questions you may have. There is a large group of us here at Priuschat who can answer your questions with experiance.
  10. prius04

    prius04 New Member

    Aug 26, 2004
    NorthEast USA
    I'm a bit of a slob. In the past we always drove anywhere in my wife's car when went somewhere together because my car was a bit messy/cluttered.

    Even when I had my BMW 325si convertible, we still tended to use the wife's corolla.

    Now, I keep my Prius very neat because I always want to drive it, I want to be the one that gives rides for my friends. I've never enjoyed driving a car this much before. I love the smoothness, the quietness and the power and the gadgets are neat too.

    Plus, nearly zero emissions are really cool too.
  11. bardgal

    bardgal Prius Koolaidâ„¢ drinker

    Mar 12, 2005
    Toluca Lake, CA
    2008 Prius
    Well.... our story so far: (I'm in So Cal, btw)

    I want to reiterate how TORN I am. A month ago, when it was not something I had to do, I was hell-bent on a Prius. Now, that I am in a position where I must do something, and also something that I may need to drive for the next 8 years or so due to finances, dependability has become UBERIMPORTANTE!

    The Prius dealer knows I have four Jeep dealers fighting for me. One has found my perfect Jeep. I was honest with the Prius sales manager and told him the great deal I was getting from them. This dealership has about ten Priuses on the lot right now, plus two "certified" pre-owned that are stickered MORE than the new ones across the street at their used lot. Gave him numbers, told him not to work me. Told him my bottom line, and he couldn't even match it, let alone beat it. Remember: Wranglers are MORE than Prius MSRP. Plus, with technology moving so fast, an '05 Prius isn't going to compare with an '08 Prius, where the Jeep never changes, so the resale is awesome. Plus, this year, with the last year they are making the 4.0l V6, and the ONLY year they are making the 6-speeds with that engine, this will be the highest torque Jeep ever made. (for those boys who like to drive over rocks). If the Prius dealer could have beaten the deal, I'd take it. And I just called him to tell him I was taking the Jeep, and he wants to run more numbers... the Jeep guy has never worked me for a second. Now I realize all this back and forth has nothing to do with the actual cars themselves... but bottom line, the extra I would be paying for the Prius, would not be saved on gasoline. Yes, zero emmisions rock. Yes, I am ashamed I am being so financially selfish. If my finances weren't in question here, the Prius would be sitting in my garage right now. But what the current evil administration has done to my personal situation unfortunately far outweighs my desire to tell the EVIL OIL companies and the BFEE to GFTS and ESAD.

    The jury is still waiting for the final numbers to come back with a better offer for the Prius.... yes I drove it again. Handles like a sports car. Weird that you can't see the front of the vehicle. Really bad blind spot on the right side. Still. Nice and quiet. Inside plastic looks as if it scratches easily. TONS of leg & head room. And most important: Zero Emissions ROCK.
  12. hdrygas

    hdrygas New Member

    May 22, 2004
    Olympia Wa
    2004 Prius
    I am another that drove a 4wd car previously and am happy enough with my Prius. I was lucky enough to keep my Ford Explorer for what it does well for me, that is tow my pop up trailer and go to forest service road sites on dirt roads to fish. My Explorer is not CJ with a winch but it gets me to the places I need to get to. If you really use the Jeep the Prius is not a substitute but if you do not you could love the Prius.
  13. Widdletink

    Widdletink Member

    Feb 21, 2005
    Claremont, California
    2022 Prius Prime
    Hey Girl,

    Well, I am pretty sure that the Prius folks won't be able to meet your Jeep folks numbers but that is really because they don't have to. Remember, the Prius is the highest customer satisfaction rated car in Consumer Reports history (over 90%would buy one again). It also is exceptionally safe and so far, the resale on them has exceeded any other car in it's class (by that I allude to size as there is nothing in its class where fuel economy is concerned).

    Also, since you won't need to ever get the car smogged here in sunny and stringent emmissions California you will have a savings there. Add that to the fuel economy, the $2000 you get off your federal taxes, and the free parking at any parking meter in the City of Los Angeles until May and things add up way past whatever discount you may get off the buy in on another vehicle.

    Oh, and some insurance companies will give you additional discounts because of the increased safety features inherent in this car. Not to mention the impending passage of AB2628 which will permit single occupant use of the HOV or diamond lanes (with the appropriate permit) by hybrids. And, there is a car wash in the valley that was giving free car washes to hybrids as well.

    And did I mention that this car is just plain cool? Remember that here in LaLa land you are what you drive and more here than anywhere else (I believe) that seems to matter.

    In the "business" this car say's all the right things. Based on the number of cars that have already passed the 80, 90 and 100,000 mile points, I think it would be fair to say that with the amount you drive, this car will outlast potentially anything else you might get into.

    I think you would be very, very happy with a Prius. I even think that you might like it more than your current Jeep. I also think that you would be safer driving it than you would a Jeep and I am quite sure that if by some fluke you got one and decided that you hated it you would have no problem reselling it for what you paid pretty quick and easy.

    Come on, give it a try. Until you had your Jeep you weren't a "Jeep Girl" and until I had my Prius I was not waxing poetic almost every night about the wonder's of my car.

    I would also say that if you can, go for the Package #6 or BC package with all the bells and whistles. The NAV system is just slicker than snot and the only thing that I wish my car had.

    I've offered before, and am offering again to let you drive mine if it will help you decide.

    Personally, I think a Prius would look just great on you!

    Take care,

  14. bardgal

    bardgal Prius Koolaidâ„¢ drinker

    Mar 12, 2005
    Toluca Lake, CA
    2008 Prius

    Foul Temptress! But I love ya! OKOKOKOK! Where is the car wash? And email me with the guys who I'm supposed to talk to in Clairmont.

    [email protected] in case you lost it.

  15. Robert Taylor

    Robert Taylor New Member

    Oct 13, 2004
    Rocket City
    When you have and drive a Prius, everything else on the road around you is obsolete.

    I am curious as to why you love the Wrangler. My father in law had one and it was a harsh, punishing ride, had the handling of an old truck and the fuel economy of a 70's Cadillac, had thin cheap seats, a million rattles and was as drafty as an old barn. Maybe things changed for the better, he had his 12 or so years ago.

    I have to agree with another contributor here, once you have SKS, you do not want anything else. I actually walked up to my old truck and tugged on its door handle, expecting momentarily for it to open. Oops, stuff from the last century...

    You feel current and up to date in a Prius.

    Your cool.
  16. richard schumacher

    richard schumacher shortbus driver

    Mar 27, 2004
    United States
    2004 Prius
    If reliability is UBERIMPORTANTE then check out Consumer Reports on vehicle reliability, initial defects and owner satisfaction.
  17. bardgal

    bardgal Prius Koolaidâ„¢ drinker

    Mar 12, 2005
    Toluca Lake, CA
    2008 Prius
    Why I Love My 2001 Wrangler Sport
    by Tally

    ZERO mechanical problems in 5 years.
    Still driving on original tires with TONS of tread left.
    Tires seem to be made of 6" thick travertine.
    The only things replaced are the timing belt, (because the guys at easy lube showed me how cracked it was) and the battery a month ago because I left the overhead light on like a doofus.
    KICK nice person A/C and heat. (seriously the best I've ever experienced.)
    With the side sail panels off and the back rolled up, it's like driving a patio.
    If I lock my keys in the car, I just unzip it to get them out.
    Having an open vehicle has been very liberating - you get past the fear of theft real quick.
    Love driving a 5-speed manual transmission. Feel more in control of the car.
    Very easy to manuever.
    Love the power of a V6.
    Turns on a dime.
    Great stereo (mine has speakers in the roll-bar)
    Zero-tech to malfunction. (So many tech-troubles I'm hearing about with the Prius... talk me past this please)
    Dependable Dependable Dependable
    Not the smoothest ride, but I love riding horses.
    Great lumbar support.
    With 30" tires, it's been wonderful driving through the flood waters these past few months.
    Currently driving a white one, thinking of getting a Khaki one which I'll never have to wash since it's the color of dirt and will be fab with my red hair. :wink:
    And to feed my ego - it's wonderful hearing "Nothing hotter than a sexy gal driving a Jeep."
    Oh yeah, and: It's a JEEP a REAL JEEP.

    However - just to let you know my guilt has kept me up most of the night, and I find myself being sucked into your web. Of course, Tisza's hour long discussion with me yesterday (turning me on to this website in the process) and her amazing treatise above is certainly helping in my indoctrination into the Prius Cult....... if Toyota Boy can get my payments down to where the Jeep's are, then I am going to really piss off Jeep Man who is having to trade vehicles with a dealer down San Diego way for the Jeep-O-My-Dreams.
  18. Tideland Prius

    Tideland Prius Moderator of the North
    Staff Member

    Oct 2, 2004
    Other Non-Hybrid
    Well, most of what you've listed applies to the Prius, minus the 6" thick part, the 5-spd manual tranny, the 30" tyres + ability to fort water and the ability of an open top.

    The keys cannot be locked inside (unless you place them in the trunk below the floor but what are the chances you'll do that?)
    A/C and heat are ok
    It has a tight turning radius
    It's pretty powerful, you just have to press harder and ignore the fact that the you can hear it revving (it's redlined at 5000rpm)
    The ride's fairly smooth thanks to its long wheelbase
  19. DanP

    DanP Member

    Jan 1, 2005
    There might be little hope for you, given that you're foolish enough to have leased (not even bought!) a Jeep Wrangler in the first place. As a "Jeep junkie" you must be addicted to lousy gas mileage, poor handling, and a bone-jarring ride. You're bound to be disappointed by the Prius on all three counts.
  20. clubmedic

    clubmedic New Member

    Dec 31, 2004
    Actually, I have to agree with Bardgal. "Nothing hotter than a sexy gal driving a Jeep."

    Hate to loose that visual by having her buy a Prius <G>

    However, it really boils down to what she needs/wants. I miss my Explorer's ability to plow through snow drifts and deep puddles (haven't tried the deep water with my Prius, but the unplowed street almost bogged Voltaire down once this winter). I wouldn't go back to the Explorer, not on a bet, but with any change in vehicles you have to give up something to get something else. It's a matter of priorities.

    Good luck with your decision.