I received an email from the folks at BIG INK this morning about their fleet of Priuses for their sales force. They have done a really cool "wrap job" on the cars, and I thought I'd share it with you all. More pictures follow some information from the folks at BIG INK. http://www.inkbig.com/ecogreen
Awesome! I hope they get a lot of business. We need more eco-inspired companies like this. Now, if we can just get the Best Buy geek squad to trade in their VW bugs for Priuses with graphics like these and change their name from the geek squad to the Eco Squad.
Man...I am still waiting for a white Touring and here one is in a fleet..lol y brother in law works for a decal company if your interested in a wrap..here is there link..www.procal1.com
The cars were actually not white before the wrap! One was black, one was blue, one grey, and one champagne. The white on the roof and sides are actually vehicle wrap!