And a cryin' shame that is too, because every huckster that formerly got rich telling women they weren't beautiful enough without subcutaneous caches of form-a-gasket now seems to be in the business of spamming me daily with the notion that I could have actual friends if I'd buy pills to widen my schlong. I suppose there must be money in that too. Is there some way to get them all to go sell nice HHO generators? -Chap
Really? At least in Utah, that style seemed to peak around 1997-1999. Interesting Reminds me of Dumb and Dumber, when Carrey was snoozing behind the wheel. Her boobies started flashing like headlights, and he woke up just in time to avoid going head-on into a semi
Meh! That has nothing to do with friends, or lack thereof. I already can't walk sideways through doorways, and don't seem to have many friends. Seriously, don't you find some of those spams hilarious? Sometimes I'll peek in the spam folder before deleting everything, and some of the claims are soooooo outrageous, I end up laughing so hard I just about pee myself For example: "Double length, guaranteed! Last for 6 hours! Have many girlfriends!"
Judging from the spam mail I receive, I must be a balding, overweight, under endowed, impotent male up to my eyes in credit card debt. That seems to be the model from which they are working. I hope at least some of it is untrue. Tom
hmmm. you mean that certain part of the male anatomy isnt gonna be super duper fantastic large and inviting to all the college girls in the area even through my clothing? I better stop the automatic credit card payments from that new credit card I just got with unlimited credit limits! Oh My!
Right from the beginning. First there was Danny, then a whole bunch of 13 year olds. I'm hoping to make it to 13 next year. Tom
I figured out what the guy mentioned in opening post meant. People keep returning to their Prius dealer to see if there are any available yet.
Wasn't there a discussion a few months ago about the GM batteries (the ones in the Saturns...) were all having some issue and people had to bring their cars back for servicing? Maybe this is what the guy in the original post was refering too and mistook "Hybrid" with Prius.
No no no brick, the joke pic wasn't meant to imply anything about YOU. rather the folks we 'hear' from ... in person, or on the web. We are just the transporters of their trollesq fables. But heck, with over a million pri on the road ~ who knows ... there may have been a couple hundred returned ... buyers remorse, a lemon or 2, upgrade to next years model. The better inquiry would be how do pri returns compare to (say for example) a jaguar, or a F150, or whatever. That's the missing element.
Not true! As one of my all time favorites, Jimmy Durante (if you're old enough to remember) used to say: I gota million of 'em.
Returning them???? The only return I've had to make is to return it to my wife -- it's her turn to drive it. Maybe I need another one -- anybody out there returning theirs???
T No kidding! Ok, in my case, the balding part is true. So instead of "creative" combing or a rug, I took revenge on my scalp and shaved it completely!. Oddly enough, that appears to make the ladies purrrr. j
Now I understand, thanks! Fortunately I've learned not to get too riled up over misinterpretations before establishing that I am not, in fact, totally confused. Of course, this means that the free ticket to banland is still up for grabs! Maybe I can wrangle the name of this "source" from my incredibly vague coworker and have it mailed.