I wonder if cops hate these custom plates? It sure makes it tough to get a plate number when needed. ... Brad
Texas should be getting the 7 character plates, but I think it's only on the more expensive premium plates. Texas has long had a bunch of different custom plates, but the new designs on their My Plates website were much better than others I've seen. I really like the live-type rendering so you can see exactly what it will look like.
When Virginia first came out with their "Scenic -- Autumn" plate, it was recalled and re-issued with a cosmetic correction. Instead of being just a border, the autumn leaves background originally covered the entire plate, making the plate number very, very difficult to read. BJJB
Sure, Florida has ca. 110 different plate styles, you can get these with either custom text or the standard state issued number, your choice. Either way choosing one of these plates costs something like $12/yr more than the "standard issue". Florida DHSMV - Specialty License Plates INDEX
for $190 per year or more (Popular plates are auctioned) you can have from 1 to 7 characters, letters and numbers in any order here. I have a personalised plate on my Prius, my Toyota Crown and my Hyosung GV650 motorbike. These have a 1 off cost of $170 each for life and must have 6 characters. on the Prius SPARK5 On the crown CROWN6 On my bike HYO650 Then there are the special plates And there are more! Specialised number plates - Department for Transport, Energy and Infrastructure
Pennsylvania's "Flagship Niagara" plate was white letters on a sepia backgrond image. Illegible on the road. here's a good example:
In Massachusetts, Cops probably love them. For each special plate, the first two letters are ALWAYS the same, depending on what cause it's for. For example, all Massachusetts Animal Coalition plates start with "SN" (for "Spay or Neuter" - no, really).
Our specialty plates are setup the same way. Our plates to support spaying & neutering start with IM. Plus they were designed by Mutts artist (& NJ resident) Patrick McDonnell. I went with Wildlife Conservation and my wife with Treasure our Trees
For Texas plates, only five letters are allowed if you choose a certain style. Max is six for others.