Wayne Can you tell me what are the respective roles of the Prius' two electric motors? I'd like to sound knowledgeable and wise when answering questions at the West Virginia Alternative Fueled Vehicles Day Rally. Bruce Webster
Wayne doesn't come to this site. I think there are people here that can clearly answer your question, but I'm not one of them. There's a guy named Graham something that has a FANTASTIC web site crammed with more technical stuff than you can absorb that will answer this for you. I'm at work, if someone hasn't posted a clear answer for you by the time I get home tonight I'll post the link then for you.
Take a look at "How THSII Works" in the files section of this forum. You will find more than you ever wanted to know about about the Prius works. Also there is a very interesting series of messages @ http://f4.grp.yahoofs.com/v1/0GpXQHM89kFBV...cal%20posts.doc That cover the subject.