I Have -- An antenna. To be specific, I have Barcelona Red Metallic shark fin antenna. Thanks to someone on here who was selling it, and I picked it up over the weekend. One day, I hope to have an entire Prius to put under it.
I'm in a similar situation myself. On list since 5/24 and looking for package 3 with leather. I talked to my dealer today and I'm number two on their waiting list. The leather can be done at port of entry (I lose the steering wheel but I'll live with that). I generalized my color preference to at least three colors including the popular silver. They did offer me an orphaned package 5 but not a touring model so I'm waiting for the 9/4 allocation. If I can't find anything on that list I am going to have to start looking around at other options. Till then I'll keep hoping.:rant::rant::rant:
I too am sooo tired of waiting..May 20th here. I am worried that they are going to try to raise the price even though I have a $1000 down payment. BTW hey cashed that check 2.5 months ago. I am going to see the GM and talk to him this week to make sure they honor the original price. I am holding out for a White #3 Touring and nothing else,,so that is probably part of the reason for my long wait. Good Luck all allocation is a week from Thursday!
My dealer just called and said they've started shipping the '09s, which will add $500 to the price. I've been waiting since 7/7/09 and they covered the price by setting price at MSRP. They still don't have the package I asked for but they expect a new allocation the first week of September. We'll see. Paying $500 for no enhancements is a pain, but, in the end, I'll pay it to get the Prius.
Maybe it pays to still call around. I called our Fremont dealer a couple weeks ago about a package 5 ... internet salesguy called me several times and emailed saying a pack 5 Gray arrived. I just don't want to pay the full MSRP right now. I'm hoping the demand will go way down heading into the cold, long Winter where people drive much less and are spending money on holidays instead of cars and driving vacations. That's the hope anyway.
Ya by one day. I'v been waiting since 5/20. I called my salesperson a couple of weeks ago and he said I was on the top of the list. Last Friday I check and they had received some that almost met my requirements. When I asked he said they were spoken for. Seems to me if I'm on the top of the list I should have had a shot at one of those cars. I'm trying to be patient and trusting, but starting to lose both real fast. Wedge
Then you're not at the top of the list. In fact, if their bumping you and selling those cars to somone else for whatever reason, your not at any place in the list. Is your dealer selling at a markup on some of their allocation? Are they only selling to those on the list if they can't sell enough at $35K? Some dealers are doing this.
Not trying to be a troll, but in trying to keep a positive additude, there is, albeit remote, the possiblity that they where already spoken for because they matched the other customer's orders. If you were #2 on the list and a Prius came in the matched your criteria exactly and didn't match the person ahead of you, who should get the first shot at it. :decision::noidea: May 28th, We were #11 before last allocation. Haven't checked since.
I doubt they'er doing this since I have a signed contract. Now they can sell anything that doesn't match my quote, but if they sell something that matches I think I can take em to court. I'm looking for Black, package 3 or 4. It seems most cars being delivered today are either package 2 or package 6. Wedge
You would be hard pressed to get enough proof of this to take them to court. Some dealerships count on their good name and reputation but that will not hold up in a court. Our dealership has NOT cashed our check (from 5/24) so I'm counting on them trying to play fair. I'll know for sure in the next couple of weeks.
The Seniors on the List. Anybody else we should list from May? 1. Yellowdog 5/19 2. Garymon 5/20 (A Touring Model) 3. Wedge 5/20 4. Rcaine 5/24 (A Touring Model) That's me 5. dwreed3rd 5/28 (A Touring Model)
Good New / Bad News The Good News: I HAVE VIN # The Bad News: They are trying to charge me an additional $650, moving me up over my Purchase Contract to the "new" MSRP / Sticker price. :hurt: Not sure how they expect to be able to do this; sales person has gone to speak to his manager and will phone me back. OK got all the info. They added: increase to MSRP, and add ons: rear bumper applique, cargo net, alloy wheel locks, first aid kit. The increase to the MSRP is what we differ on. My paperwork say "X," and theirs says "X pending MSRP." Ugh. I think I'm stuck paying most of the extra (I can easily have the first aid kit, cargo net and wheel locks removed, not sure about the applique however.)
I forgot to mention they cashed my $1000.00 check on the 22nd of May. Since we are on the senior list can we AARP discounts? Wedge
Hi Rcaine, Thanks, that's neat. F.Y.I. since you did all the work I thought I'd check us out. Yellowdog's in Chicago Region, Wedge is in Kansas City Region and the rest of us are in Southeast Region, but different states. No serious allocation conflicts. You and I are both in Ga., but my dealers' in Tampa. Thanks again great idea. :thumb:
My dealership is just the opposite. They haven't cashed our check yet. The AARP discount is up to the dealer. If we were dealing for a gas guzzling SUV I'm sure we could get them to agree to it.
Hey Ya'll. I hope I have VERY good news for three of you! I just left My dealership to check on my prius on order status and they have 3 ON THE LOT AND THEY ARE AVAILIBLE!!. My salesman said they had a $3,000 market adjustment and have scared people away. They are selling these at MSRP! They are all 1224 PKG#2's. This is at Harrelson Toyota of Rock Hill, South Carolina. It is about 20 minutes south of Charlotte, North Carolina. Call (803)328-2886 and ask for Dan Pawlowski. If you don't mind please tell him that Garry told you about it and I will get a finders fee. As a footnote I am not working for this dealership and am just trying to help someone out. Hopefully they will still be there for you!
This may help identify why some of us are still on the list and some have moved on sooner. Dave and I are holding out for a touring model (1226). I thought you were too Gary or did you take one of the standard models. The $3000 would scare me off but in this market MSRP is fair. Many dealers (mine included) are satisfied with that price. 1224's are at least 3 times as common as the touring. My dealership did offer me one when I called yesterday (not one of my 3 colors and wrong options so I'm still waiting). Thanks for the info Gary. Rock Hill would not be too far to pick one one up if it was the right combination. Right now I'm betting that the 9/4 allocation will have what I've waited for. Till them I'll just keep posting here.:yo::yo:
I was REAL tempted to take the Red one they had, but I knew I would regret it. It was a bad feeling after all this wait seeing one I could have right now! But my wife talked some sense into me and I said no.