I cannot find whereabouts on the engine is the engine number located??? I have a NHW20R. Any ideas plz???
The handbook shows you where it is. Try the face of the engine facing forward on the trasmission end of the engine block right under the inlet manifold.
You mean the engine model?? 1nz-fxe is the engine used in all prius up to this point. You can find that on the emissions sticker under the hood.
wow, whatever that "win2pdf" garbage was that generated that, it totally mangles the rendering and the images aren't even there. . _H*
The engine serial is stamped into the block just below where the 1NZ FXE is cast into it. It's hard to read with everything installed (on my NHW11 anyway). So is the transmission serial number, which is nearby. The manual does show where the numbers are supposed to be, but actually reading them took me at least half an hour of unclipping hose and wire harness brackets, shoving stuff out of the way, and finally jockeying a digital camera down into positions my face wouldn't reach (after first jockeying a flex-shaft Dremel wire brush down there to clean up the numbers enough to be legible). -Chap