For inside the car you can use a Ratzapper with no blood spilled. Works really good around my house outside with large rats. Well made. Bait with dry dog food. Rat Zapper, Electronic Rat, Mouse and Rodent Trap
My oldest cat is 8, but was terribly abused as a kitten, so when I got him from the shelter at 8 months, he was already pretty gimpy in the back leg. As the old saying goes, the spirit is willing but the body isn't Around a year ago I found an abandoned kitten near Health Sciences when I took my dad in for a doctor appointment. We really felt sorry for the little thing, and he was quite friendly, so we took him home The older cat immediately bonded to the kitten, so I took the kitten to the vet and had him snipped. They get along just fine, play together, etc, and are good company. I'm pretty sure they stalk mice in the garage as a team effort I don't let my pets venture outside though. Too many dangers, plus as Pat mentioned they tend to catch little birdies Mind you, I would like it if my cats took care of the plague of pigeons that are always pooping on my roof
I have 4 cats. Two have never caught a thing in their lives. The male only goes for birds. The one female is the best little mouser I have ever seen. This aint me (buddy of mine), but did anybody order some cats?
You get BIG birds here called Hadidas:\Photography\collin 013.jpg A friend of mine had a cat called Rudy. One day Rudy came home, but this poor cat got seriously F%$cked up. He had to take him to the vet. Anyway Rudy was fine. A couple of weeks later he's busy cleaning his yard. The pieces finally fell into place when he found a Hadida skeleton....
I thought their purpose was to let the air out so the vents work, that is why they arent on the front of the car but are placed in a low pressure area behind the back bumper. There have been exit vents on cars for a very long time now. My 1968 Crown has exit vents and no air bags. In fact on the old Toyota I can turn the exit vents off so they don't seem to be there so the door can be closed.
Please try to find a humane way of getting rid of them. The thought of a mouse not being instantly killed and trying to scramble away with the trap still on it, it makes me really sad. Poison can take a long time to kill them, and glue traps are also long and drawn out. I know it's a hard problem to deal with, but if you do a Google search on humane pest control or humane ways to get rid of mice a lot of sites come up. Thanks!
I try my best to give them a fighting chance to make it into the live trap. But, I also have the snaps. The population is pretty low right now, but honestly, when it is a $24,000 car or a mouse...
Since this string came back to life and I found an exploded parts diagram of the rear bumper that shows where the left rear vent is located, I attached that to this msg. Look at the drawing of the left rear fender where the bumper cover would be mounted, and note the location of the rectangular vent. This may help anyone who wishes to find and cover that vent. It would probably be easier to remove the hatch interior trim and place wire screen on the inside of the vent, vs. removing the rear bumper cover and placing the screen on the outside of the vent. Also, a screen on the outside might restrict movement of the slit rubber cover that allows air through the vent.
Hi the ratzapper sounds like a good idea. Has anyone else tried it? Would I just place it near the car? thanks
We used it on father in laws house in Pasadena and it did work. It was in the shed outside and we were successful a couple of times. No luck in the attic where the peanut butter on conventional traps worked. Go figure.
How do you get rid of the odor of dead rodents once you've cleaned out nest from blower box? We changed the air conditioniig filter but still have odor? Ours is a 2010 prius IV? Any ideas and thanks for the help.
How do you get rid of the odor of dead rodents once you've cleaned out nest from blower box? We changed the air conditioniig filter but still have odor? Ours is a 2010 prius IV? Any ideas and thanks for the help.
Hi Tom, Did you figure anything out. I just cleaned out a rat or squirrel nest from my air filter. Unfortunately, only found one of the dead babies because I had turned on the blower previously and I think the another one got sucked through the impeller/fan (little pieces of baby squirrel splatter can be seen on the back of the blower housing behind the fan blades). I have read you can drop the blower motor and fan down out of the blower housing, but I'm not sure how far back into the housing that will let me get. Did you try cleaning out behind the blower fan?