Anyone have info on when the next open application time will be for new Prius owners to get a set of HOV stickers? I purchased my Prius in March and was told by the dealer that the CA Dept. of Transportation randomly decides when to release more stickers. Through the DMV website I found the application page for the stickers and thought I'd try it anyway. I received a letter with my $8 check stapled to it stating California has reached the limit of 85,000 stickers, etc, etc... I'm hoping someone has inside info on when I can apply again, so that I can get a set before they reach whatever limit the state decides to set next. Thanks.
No inside info; but I would not expect any more CA DMV carpool stickers to be issued since Prius are like mushrooms now. New Prius do not need government incentives to be sold.
no new stickers. i heard there was a bill going around that would allow someone with the stickers to upgrade their car to a newer hybrid and be able to transfer their stickers, but that is the last i heard about that. i am in san jose, and i bought the car in san jose, so as a consolation of not being allowed the carpool stickers, i got a san jose parking permit for $30. and the only way to get one of those is to actually purchase the car in san jose, heh
Never -- not only are no new incentives needed ($4/gallon is incentive enough), but every hybrid bought between mid-January 2007 and now (none of which have stickers) will demand them. And that's a lot of cars. And your dealer lied to you.
Unfortunately your dealer duped you. The only way to get stickers nowdays (the white ones) is with a fully electric car, or a natural gas or propane car. The yellow ones for hybrids are no longer being issued.
yeah our only hope is probably some federal agency or state agency regulates it and allows all of the them access the chance of that happening is more remote then california issuing more stickers lets find someone to write us a bill and make them issue separate stickers for northern and southern california! (heh)
What everyone else said, plus: Those stickers expire on Jan 1, 2011 unless the law is changed to extend the privilege longer. And this appears unlikely to happen. The only hope I have is the possible introduction of HOT lanes ("Lexus lanes"). Unfortunately, I use 101 in the South Bay, and I doubt any HOT lane there will be in operation by 2011 (and probably not before I retire in 2015!). So in 2011, my commute will go back to being nearly intolerable. I'm not looking forward to that!
Never No Fah ged ah boudit You want stickers? Either buy a new our used Natural Gas Car/Van, a used electric, or a used hybrid that already has them. The latter should be your last choice, because as mentioned above, the hybrid ones expire, whereas the white ones for natural gas & electric vehicles were never granted with the intent that they'd expire.
They are waiting for 85,000 Prius to wear out, before ordering new stickers. Either that or waiting for the State Budget, whichever comes first. I'm betting on the Prius's.
just tint your windows and act like you've got a passenger. i see non-hybrids utilizing that tactic more frequently than not. so, based on the fact that you have a prius, even w/out stickers, "the man" will probably leave you alone.
if i keep my car past the maturity date on my automotive finance loan, i may feel inclined to cheat, as i already have the windows tinted. right now if i got caught driving solo in the carpool lane, i would be about half my car payment i considered printing counterfeit stickers, it might fool the chp person driving 65, but parked overnight in a parking lot, i probably would get caught
And a point on your driving record, which could mean a higher insurance premium. When the CHP runs your plate, he can see on his screen if you have been issued stickers or not. When *I* run a DMV report on a VIN at work, *I* can see if the vehicle has been issued stickers or not. So if the cop is running your plate, there is no fooling him.
Not exactly, as it was actually something I called about the day after purchasing my car. Not like he had to "dupe" me into buying the car. He was an idiot anyway so he probably actually believed what he told me. Thanks for all the responses, even though they weren't what I was hoping to hear.
I wouldn't want to ruin my Prius with the ugly stickers, but it would be nice to ride alone in the fast lane. (make up my mind)
Well, actually: in CA, I don't think this would be a point on the driving record. This is based on my (admittedly imperfect) memory of a consultation with a legal consultation a few years ago about a ticket I got for being in the carpool lane (I got off, by the way). On the other hand, it still might increase your insurance rates.
Actually, in CA, ANY moving violation is a point on your record. The only way it can be excused is if you qualify for and complete traffic school. If I recieve a ticket for driving in the carpool lane al? See also Does a ticket in California for driving in the car pool? (I already knew this, but I did look it up so you would believe me...) I'm sorry, but one of my pet peeves are people who think the rules don't apply to them.
OK, I bow to your more recent research into this. I was basing my statement on the fact that the legal advice I received was "not to waste my opportunity for traffic school on a carpool lane violation," which I took to mean that I wouldn't get a point for it. But I admit that's a pretty thin theory. BTW: I DO believe the rules apply to me, so if you were implying that I don't, based on my statements alone, you're going beyond the evidence. The one time I got a ticket (for a carpool lane violation), I was in a carpool lane that I entered 1/4 mile before it ended (NOT on a freeway, but on an "expressway," which here in CA means a busy highway with intersections. I thought the fact that there was no way to move out of the carpool lane (on the rightmost lane) safely before the lane ended altogether exonerated me. The cop didn't agree, but I decided to see whether a judge would, and (as it happened) the cop didn't show for the trial and the judge let me off. So I still don't know for sure whether he would have agreed with me, but I kinda think so after watching some of the other decisions he made that day. He didn't automatically side with the cops in every case. I agree about the mugs who blatantly drive solo in the carpool lanes, and those who do any number of other illegal and foolish things on the road, thus endangering others (not to mention me). I guess I wish there were more enforcement than we usually see.
LOL, my silver Prius looks beautiful with the stickers. Others must think so as well because of all the jealous looks I get and the offers to switch cars. The stickers were the best $8 I EVER SPENT.