Previos posts I've seen here on the board relating to poor bluetooth experiences have made mention of some advanced bluetooth settings that one can modify in order to try and enhance how you sound to others over the bluetooth system. I've tried drilling down the MFD menu tree to no avail - where do I access these settings from? Thanks
The diagnostics screen can easily be obtained by pressing the display button on the MFD bezel, then turning your tail lights on and off 4 or 5 times.
Thanks muchly. I was able to get to the screen and futz around with the settings. We'll see if people whom I'm on the phone with while driving think it works better. And am I the only one who thinks of video game console "cheat codes" when you have to do funky button sequences to get the back-up beep disabled, or acccess this screen? I swear I mumble to myself "left-right-left-right-B-A-start" when I'm in the car
I’m I the only one who thinks that all of these "dances" as Dan puts it are totally stupid. We have a perfectly good computer input device and the engineers of this car go with this insanity. 21st century car with a 20 century interface. I get this stuff for a late 20th century car not for the Prius. OK thank you I feel much better now. The nice nurse with the 3 attendants are here to take me away. :?
Maybe I've missed it somewhere. But is there a file anywhere that lists all the known dances? Maybe it should be called a "dance card". It would be handy to have all that info in one place. My brain can't remember all those dance steps. Fred Astaire I'm not. Also. how are the dance steps discovered? Mucho Thanks.
I think Dan gets them from the Repair Manuals. I have not gone through them yet they take up about 10" of space on a shelf. There is a lot of reading to do even if you just scann it.
Mine takes the physical space of a CD. Well, actually I think I have it on my USB flashdrive fob. Many of the dances are in the owner's manual. But I agree, might be a good idea to put them in the KB in one place.