I just searched Carmax, and found 97 listings for Prii, including many 2007-2008 models. Before I got my new 2008, I had researched Carmax and never found more than 5 listings nationwide. Does anyone have an explanation for this apparent surplus of Prii in light of up to 6 month wait times for a new one? Seems strange to me.
Yes, it's because there are more available. Why? Back in April, there was a collective switch thrown when gasoline passed $3.75 gallon and in one weekend, dealers that had been selling Prii for discount suddenly found themselves selling their entire inventory in one weekend. The response was emotional. However, the demand for all of those people has mostly been fulfilled. Secondly the price of oil is off of it's peak and gasoline prices are going down. People respond much more strongly to the direction of gasoline prices rather than the actual price in the short term. The result is that waiting lists are shrinking rapidly because people are dropping off of them. Here in the Bay Area, listings on criagslist have skyrocketed for both used and new units. 1/2 dozen dealers are now advertsing Prii at MSRP or lower with stock available now.
Thanks for the info from the Bay area. I suspected that might be happening sometime soon. It'a interesting though, that the CarMax prices for 2008s are pretty high--several non-touring listed at $30.5K. Wel, I got mine at under MSRP (barely), and have no regrets at all.
Carmax is pretty big and I suspect they don't adjust their market prices from day to day. It will take them a while to realize that not a single one is selling at that price.
I was called tonight by a dealership I wet to In April. They had no 2008 but the salesman said he had used 2 2007 Prius on the lot. He expected them to bought quickly. I assumed he had some former rentals or trade-ins he was selling for new car prices.