Greetings - This will probably rank as the bizarro question of the day, but... my wife raised a concern and asked me to post this question to PC. Our new puppie was supposed to leave the port of Jacksonville, Florida on Tuesday the 19th. I heard from the dealer today that the truck left only this morning, the 22nd. It should be at the dealer sometime within 72 hours. As you may know, TS Fay has been dumping a historic amount of rainfall in Florida, causing a great deal of flooding in the area. So, the questions are: - What is the likelihood that our vehicle has sustained some sort of water damage while sitting at port? Does the port have ways of ensuring that weather doesn't damage the new vehicles? - Is there any way to tell, on delivery, if there was any water damage? What would we look for? - Is this a pointless concern? Any input would be great. Like waiting was hard enough, now we've got this! Thanks, Rob
I think this is a pointless concern. From the dealer perspective, they have to ensure everything is working 100% before handing over the Prius to you. And you, as a buyer, also need to ensure you will be accepting no less than 100% of the car you're purchasing. Anything questionable items (water damage, e.g.) during your inspection process should be addressed prior leaving the dealer. So stop worrying unnecessary, and go enjoy your new Prius soon.....
If your Prius was coming in somewhere around Melbourne or Palm Beach you might have a little concern but Jacksonville is experiencing nothing more than strong rain and wind gusts around 25 to 30 which is not really that bad. Just make sure you check it out and you will be just fine. Seriously it seems as if the media around here is trying their best to make this storm worse than what it is. The only place that really got it bad was south Florida and that was mostly from rain not wind. The two deaths were tourists who decided the lifeguards were not worth listening to and went in the water anyway? Its tragic they lost their lives but a little common sense and they would still be with us.
If you are really concerned at delivery just poke around under the front seats for moisture or evidence of water and also look in the spare tire well that is under the storage tray in the cargo area. If your Prius is equipped with the nav system the DVD-ROM is under the drivers seat and the JBL amp is under the passenger seat. Both of those items are usually damaged in any kind of flood.
My Prius is coming the same day and it is in Jacksonville,Fl right now. They say it may be delayed because of the weather.
I spoke to my dealer In West Palm beach yesterday and heard the same thing. They dident get any cars last week because they are held up in jacksonville. She said they expected double deliveries this week to catch up and my car should be here within the next few days. I dident even think about the water damage thing but anything like that should (hopefully) be obvious in the dealers initial inspection or my own inspection when i see it.
- What is the likelihood that our vehicle has sustained some sort of water damage while sitting at port? Pretty small. Does the port have ways of ensuring that weather doesn't damage the new vehicles? They should have standard procedures, they don't shut down ports caually. - Is there any way to tell, on delivery, if there was any water damage? What would we look for? Look around on the floor for damp or water marks. - Is this a pointless concern? No. The car will shed any amount of falling rain - you could park under a waterfall if you wanted. Contact with salt water would encourage rust, and being submerged in any kind of water would ruin it.