I just submitted this note to the Governor of California: I notice the Governor takes e-mail from: Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger - Interact Bob Wilson
For about a hundred different reasons I am completely against requiring hybrids and electric vehicles to emit additional noise. However, I don't think we need to worry quite yet about it becoming a law. I was under the impression that the California bill was to establish a commission to investigate the issue and make recommendations, not to actually create a law requiring noisemakers. I still don't think it's necessary that California needs to do this, as the federal government is embarking on the same endeavor. California can better spend its money elsewhere. In fact, if California is so worried about pedestrian safety, then they should investigate whether all cars should have rear-view backup cameras long before investigating whether quiet cars need to be louder. After all, there is a much higher rate of unfortunate deaths to toddlers due to backing up over them, than there are to blind people being killed by cars.
He doesn't even bother to read their damned email. I've been emailing weekly since he decided to screw over state workers because the legislature can't do their jobs and come up with a budget, but did I ever get a response??? NO OF COURSE NOT. HE DOESN'T GIVE A CRAP.