OK, definitely the best post and summary of the techniques I have seen to date for folks trying to get better MPG without having to understand the science of it all. Thanks, Jim!!!
Sandman, I think it is great that you involved your 13 year old. What a great activity to do together. BTW, please tell your 13 year old that they take great pictures -- better than most of the PC posters.
Except for one important thing.... The speed threshold....... The glide can really only be achieved below 42 MPH. Above that the technique is the same, but the "glide" is really gonna be a warp-stealth (yellow arrows from batt). Usefull on downhills at any speed.
Yes, very important. Thanks for the reminder. I'll add the speed constraint to my post to make it more complete.
ctbering: To do a true Pulse and Glide you will need the energy screen up. You can refer to post number one for what you will need to look for on that screen. But please don't think we go around P&G all the time you can only do it when there is no traffic or traffic is moving slow.Like jimbok said the main thing is be safe, legal, and courteous. When I am going to work or coming home I have certain spots I pull over and let traffic around then I am off to P&G some more..I now take the back roads for about 30 miles of my commute instead of the interstate and it has really help my MPG's. Here is a pic I took before filling up yesterday..
Thanks, He loves my Prius he asks me every day when I get home what my MPG's are and when we are going somewhere he likes watching my scangauge and MFD coaching me. we went to town the other day its about 12 miles I P&G all the way there, when we hit the first light in town my scangauge read 101 MPG for my CFE he really liked that My six year old went by on his bike the other day and said look dad I am gliding..
I drove about 100 miles with a passenger and hundreds of pounds of furniture. It dropped my mpg for the tank down to about 44. 150-200 miles later I'm back up to 51mpg, so it looks like I'm getting a little better with the whole pulsing thing now. It jumped up from 47-50.5 yesterday with all highway driving.
We've only had our car for a few weeks, but I followed the advice on this thread for our first "trip" -- visiting family in Western MD. There are no lack of mountains on the trip through WV and Western MD. With two adults, a teenager, and three dogs (avg. 30lbs. ea.) plus stuff for two-day trip we averaged 56.1 MPG (375 mile round trip) with AC on. I have to say I was very impressed.
I've been practicing P&G and starting to get better. I'm up to about 66 to 67 mpg/tank for the last few fill ups. Here is an issue I run into from time to time. Has anyone seen this? Occasionally when transitioning from pulse to glide, no matter what I do I can't get into glide state (all arrows off). It does not seem to depend on speed or any other factor that I can detect. By experience, I have noticed that in such states if I forcefully tap on the go-pedal, the problem goes away and I can happily glide after that. Any thoughts? Could it depend on the state of charge? Any other factor?
You're not in S4...and it'll happen. Usually just below 35mph, but rarely I've had issues above as well. The only other thing is that sometimes if you don't let up on the accelerator briskly enough it can keep running. IOW, when you want to go into the glide you should start with your foot on the pedal at whatever pressure you were pulsing at, then lift it up all at once, not gradually. But I think the lack of being in S4 is probably the main issue.
Congratulations just wait until you hit 60MPG(for a tank) you will be grinning from ear to ear, I know I was....Keep us posted on your progress..
so when you all are P&G'ing, you are basicly speeding up over the speed limit (5-10mph over) and then just taking your foot off the gas and letting the car coast until you are about 5-10mpg under the speed limit? Am I understanding this right????
Well you don't let the car coast you glide with the car(no arrows on MFD) thats why its called Pulse and Glide..To do a P&G I pulse to 40 then Glide to 30 average speed=35mph..any higher speed P&G and you don't get a true glide you get a warp stealth glide(yellow arrows), but I always say any type of glide is better than no glide at all!!!
I am not sure about the speed limit reference... You can be at any speed, whether you were cruising along at that speed or had just glided down to that speed, say 12mph-35mph. You pulse (that is, accelerate) to a higher speed, from say, as an example 25mph to 35mph (don't go above 40mph). Then you let off the accelerator, regen (green/blue) arrows will appear, then you gently (feather) push the accelerator pedal back down, so that all arrows are off (blank screen). Ideally you minimize the brief period of regeneration arrows. The range of pulsing and gliding is up to you. 20-->40-->20mph or 33-->38-->33mph, whatever. Teddy Girl of the longest tank fame used 31 or 34 down to 19 or 21mph... never going past a delta (change from pulse to glide of 12mph).
No, that's not right. Go back to the beginning of this thread and read. Coasting does not apply to the Prius. It's Regen, Glide, stealth or (above 42MPH) warp stealth. You fully control it with your right foot. Try to apply the glide whenever possible and reasonable. ie; anytime slowing down in necessary, maintaining speed is not necessary, traveling down hills etc. Since you have a car that can run on no gas, the idea is to maximize the amount of time its doing just that.