... from Columbia. Recently Nichole and I decided to make the first move of our marriage - from Columbia, SC to Brevard, NC. I've lived in Columbia for 10 years now and Nichole has lived here much longer than that, so it's time for us to branch out a little to see what all is out there. At one point there was a job opportunity that would have taken us all the way to Los Angeles, but when we decided against that (for many factors), we decided to start looking around at where we wanted to go. Colorado was high on the list, but in the end we decided to go with a mountain town that wouldn't be too far from our family and friends, but would still give us what we were looking for in nature, activities, and values. It will be a big change for us as we'll be moving from the state capital and a fairly good-sized city to a small town, but I think it will suit us just right. We'll be moving in mid-September, so if any of you PriusChatters find yourselves in the area after that, give me a holler! PS - what do you think of these plates?
DH will be just a few miles north of you- maybe sometime when i go to visit we can finally meet you folks! good luck with the move.
You've made a great decision. You don't want to come to L.A. Prices are high and opportunities low. Sounds like you've chosen a lovely town for all of the right reasons.
Good luck moving! It is a pain in the xxs, but has to be done. I'm sure your going to get rid of the stuff you saved over the years and wondered why you kept it.
I lived in Brevard for awhile and loved it - the prettiest area on earth in my opinion. Hendersonville (30 mins away) is great as well and where I bought my Prius. I'm jealous. But I'm not that far away, and often get back to Brevard for fun
Congratulations to both you and Nichole, Danny! It looks like a great place to live. I agree with DAS about +MPG.
Don't do that!! I was worried when I read the title of the thread that you were letting Prius chat go and moving on. I hope you find everything you are looking for in your new home.
And you halved the distance to snow skiing in Banner Elk, NC. That alone would have made the move worth it for me.
Whoa, slow down there, partner. You don't want to rush things. Take that world travel in small steps. Only 14 more moves and you might be near Chicagoland. Give me a ring in about 150 years when you get here.
If I ever see you post that again you're banned! I'll still be back in Gamecock Country every weekend in the fall! Ah ha! My planned work to pull people into this thread... If, in 150 years, Chicagoland no longer has those hellish winters (to Southern standards), we'll be there for sure!
From one Gamecock (USC 86) to another -- best of luck with the move. You've picked a beautiful area to move to.
Best of luck to the two of you. One bit of small town advice: (I've lived in a town of less than a thousand, lying in a valley of about 3500 people for 30 years) You get to live your life in honesty, knowing that there are no secrets in a small community so don't try. This is actually good. In this valley one either knows or recognizes everyone, so criminals trying to blend in while committing crimes stand out and are 'visited' by the locals trying to determine if we have new neighbors or trouble brewing. We are a tight knit community and rely on each other as an extended family might.
Congratulations and good luck Danny. Over a few decades, I myself have moved a whopping total of 14 blocks in Manhattan. But I wouldn't recommend that. I think as a general matter, change is good. Even the most worldly and cosmopolitan of places, like Manhattan, can be its own provincial ghetto of sorts.
Oh my. I actually worked in Columbia S.C in the early 80's for a company that was unfortunate enough to name itself PMS (Policy Management Systems). That was before PMS became an acronym for something else. I rememebr the Gamecocks chants. "Our Cocks are up and coming" ect.
I've never been to the Carolinas, but moving from a big city to a small town in the mountains sounds like a great idea! Los Angeles would have been a dreadful mistake: Filthy air, endless concrete, infinite traffic jams, crowding that rivals a psychologist's rat experiment, etc. I hope everything works out for the two of you.