Couldn't find a reference to this using SEARCH. Prius 2008 Bought and had dealer-installed an XM radio. My problem is reception or, actually, lack thereof. Moved to the Prius from a Corolla. The antenna on that was a pancake-type setting on the trunk of the car. I did have some reception problems when I drove between tall buildings and, obviously, in parking garages. The antenna in the Prius reminds me of a fast-food jelly packet and sits on the dash. Reception is MUCH worse - blinks out when I go under a bridge (the Corolla had no such problem), under a couple of trees - just about anything. Anyone else having reception problems and any suggestions on solutions?
Have a radio install shop move the antenna to the roof...middle back is a good spot but a little more involved. You can also do it yourself, it's not too hard. Esp. if you just want to move it to the roof over the passenger can probably do that with minimal effort in about 30 minutes.
Since I may move the antenna as you suggest, is it possible (and how difficult) to change to a pancake instead of that small jelly-packet antenna?
assuming the pancake style is available for XM it's not very difficult at all. You've got to find the reciever where ever they installed it in the dash, you unplug the old antenna and plug in a new one. When I got my XM unit it had a monster huge antenna (4"x4" and about 3/4" high!!). i've subsequently changed it to one of the micro antennae and hidden it under the Shark fin. Now, while that looks great, the reception is definately decreased in some areas. Most of the time it's fine, but going under power lines breaks it up annoyingly.
thanks, one fianl question. Judging by your picture, it looks as if you must have drilled a hole in the roof - I see no wire to the sat antenna. Am I mistaken here?
I'd imagine he ran the wire through the existing hole that the factory antenna went through. The shark fin in his pic replaces the factory antenna and is not a XM antenna by itself. Sounds like the shark fin has enough room inside it to "hide" an XM antenna.
If you don't want to go the shark fin route it's easy enough to install a satelleite antenna on the roof behind the factory whip and run the wire under the hatch gasket, down the hatch opeining and up the passenger side of the interior to wherever the radio is installed. I did it in under an hour including popping off and reattaching interior trim pieces where necessary. Somewhere on this forum is a link to the factory install procedure for a Sirius antenna - that's the one that places the antenna on the roof.
That's the route I'd most likely take when I put sirius in my car. I have 2 of my other cars installed that way. It's really the best location for reception. Having the satellite radio pause for a second when driving under power lines would drive me nuts.
Hi ya'll, just a quick note, the XM reciever is located under the rear seat, on the passenger side. Remove the seat bottom, unbolt the black punched metal cover, that little box that you now have access to is the unit! When I installed my own XM unit I followed the factory install sheet. No problems. I have my antenna on the dash, and I have no problem at all. However that being said I did consider the roof mount way to go, and there should be more than enough cable to accomplish the job. The only reason I did not go this route, was I could not guarantee a water tight seal! Good luck on your efforts however, and let us know how you make out! 73 de Pat KK6PD PS, I really like how the fin looks on your baby!!
Hi All: New to the forum with an '08 Touring, package 6. I also am looking to relocate the XM antenna from the dash to the roof to improve reception in marginal areas. Ideally, I would like to replace the stock antenna with a magnetic mount unit. My problem is the antenna connector into the XM receiver (under the back seat) looks kind of non-standard. It is a gray square connector while all I have been able to find as replacements are round. Has anyone solved this puzzle with either an antenna that comes with the right jack, and/or an adapter? Thanks in advance for any help you can give me.
Visual Garage, makers of the shark fin antennas, are researching an satellite antenna that easily connects to the roof, replacing the factory installed whip antenna. Currently, as one member mentioned, additional steps are required to mount the antenna, and there is an issue of whether it works as well as the whip. I would caution all members with satellite radio to read about the reception before purchasing from Visual Garage or other vendors.