Terrorizing Sweden In the World's Wildest Prius: Terrorizing Sweden In the World's Wildest Prius | Autopia from Wired.com The 4,400 watt (YIKES!!) stereo should appease those who think the Prius doesn't make enough noise. Mike
Hmm...I wonder why there's need to have SO MANY speakers inside? And they are all so close by too! It'll be a 'DEAF trap......Form is over Function here.
It needs the number of speakers so it can blow the windows out. Funny. The doors don't even work properly (they have to be "helped"). They stuck screens wherever there was room, not wherever they would be functional. For show. It's a car for shows, not for driving. I'll bet it gets rotten mileage!
I really hope this project started out with a crashed Prius. Would be a shame to do this to a new one. Mike
The only 2 thing i want from that car are the chrome fuel door and the 8 Ball shift knob. Well, maybe the Tablet PC but not installed in the car, more of on a removable mount in the center console
The first sentence turned me off. Love it or hate it, the Prius is only boring to the ill-informed. Well, maybe I'm just a little prejudiced. However, for $184,275, even if they do open like a knife, you would think they could have been able to align the doors a little better.
Get used to it as more Prius become available it is inevitable that the customizers are going to mod it. I like most of it, especially the two door look (doors should work better) and I especially liked the toyota emblem exhaust. Nice touch!
It must be difficult to drive with volume cranked up. In my last car, the stock stereo could vibrate the rearview mirror so much that it was hard see what was behind me. With this car, how can you drive with the sound system liquefying your internal organs?
The original article mentions that they must have a high-amperage alternator or two. Where would they attach them? It also mentions that they have 4 Optima Yellow Tops. Why bother? If those folks put upwards of 100 grand (US $) in it, surely they could have tapped into the traction battery. This then begs the question: Why did they stop with ~5kW, when they could be pulling ~20kW from the traction battery for sound? Yikes! The only thing worse would be if they play Britney Spears' songs on it. ;-)
It's for the visual and hearing impaired. They can feel the low frequency bass coming down the street. :eyebrows: