I am unable to sync my garage door opener with my Homelink system. Any advice? (I don't have a "rolling code" system.)
Just mess with it. I have no mechanical skills. I held the button on my garage opener about 1/2 inch away from my homelink while holding the homelink button at the same time...after about 30 seconds a red bulb blinks slowly and then faster and it is then programmed.
I had to perform a memory reset on the Homelink system (see the driver's manual for details - I believe that you have to hold buttons 1 and 3 for a certain length of time) before any of the buttons would program correctly. Give this a try, it might work...
I got it working with my garage door and my X-10 lighting sysytem. I just tried over and over until it worked.
So, http://www.x10.com/products/firecracker/in...firecracker.htm might not be a bad thing to get? I wouldn't mind turning a light in my apartment on from the car...
It took me 2 tries to get the garage door & front entry gate to work, but it does. It atkes about twenty seconds each like the maunal instructs. good luck and be persistent. Harry
The mistake I was making was not holding the homelink button and waiting for it to start flashing before linking it with the opener.
I had to correct a signal strength problem. When I first tried programming the X10, it worked only after several tries. Then I didn't use it for weeks, and found out that it stopped working for some reason. I finally figured out that the master reciever with the antenna needed to be closer to the car, and the second controller unit that was a slave to the reciever needed to plug into my light. With the distance from the car to the reciever lowered, things worked again, but now a unit I wanted to save for later becomes the primary, and the master unit with the antenna doesn't do anything but relay the car's signal. Annoying, but functional...
I was just informed by Homelink that it will not work with my 3-year old garage door opener. Has something to do with the frequency algorithm that they used being incompatible with the way Homelink decodes it. Seems like something they could (but won't) solve, but not something I can solve. The incompatible opener is made by Quantum, circa 2000. I can buy a receiver kit for $69 that will attach to the opener (and plug in to a wall outlet) that will make it work. Or I can use my existing garage door opener and ignore Homelink. Guess what I will choose? Hope this saves someone the annoyance I went through in trying fruitlessly to program it.
If they have that particular unit. In general I found it quirky and inconsistent to program my Searts doors. I have 2 doors and one programmed fine and the other took many tries. If they weren't exactly the same I might have given up on the second one. I don't know if there was a "trick" to it other than stubborness to give up.