I have noticed that the owners/drivers in the Denver area look like deer in the headlights while driving... I wave they never wave back or look like they are hanging on to the stearing wheel like the car is going to jump out from under them... theother day while at a 4 way stop the guy to my right (had the right of way)in his 04/05 looked right at me.. I waved.. and he went into the intersection.. I smiled, blew my horn and waved again... the way he sped up, I guess I probably goofed up he great MPG...haha If it was you and you are reading this..sorry..WAVE! Bob Andersen I wave...do you???
As I encounter more Prii, I notice more people who look and smile, but do not wave. The Prius is a different vehicle to drive and requires a slightly different mind set sitting in the driver's seat. Occasionally I get a thumbs up or a smiling look on long trips on a multilane highway. Mostly I just see expressions of mutual satisfaction.
I do wave but it depends on who's driving. So far, I've got 4 waves in return out of 5. The fifth just smiled at me. 2/2 from Classic owners 2/3 from HSD owners. I think mikepaul might be right. You'll probably have a higher chance from a Classic owner than an HSD owner. Also, if it's privately owned vs. company car (Which you probably won't know unless the car is covered with ads or vinyls)
I'm starting to believe that mikepaul hit the nail right on the head. Tideland will get a wave from me for being able to ID a Classic. Most G3 driver's don't wave at all, most just exibit blank stares or give you the finger for your trouble. And it will only get worse as time goes on. To most it's just a car to PC'rs it's a religion.
I wave but have yet to receive a wave back (and that goes for two states!). I have noticed that most of the driver's that I see in the Los Angeles area (where I have seen the greatest number of Prius') are usually too busy talking on their hand-held phone to pay me any mind. Funny, I could have sworn that most people have the BC which would make holding your phone unnecessary, and that I was the odd ball with my lowly little BI. Who knew?! As for me, I will continue to smile, wave, announce "Prius" at the top of my lungs like some primative mating call (much to the hubby's amusement) and otherwise make a general and genial fool of myself over my much loved auto. Take care all, Tisza
Well if I was there - I'd wave. There are very few Priuseseses here because they have only recently been introduced, so I am very lonely. Since I started getting interested in the car 6 months ago, I have only seen one (apart from the dealer's demo). I was in my Audi, so he would have thought - who the heck is that.....!!! Anyway the ball is now rolling so the "waving to" choice will be greater and they can now recognize the "waving from" better.
BobA, it's the Colorado folks. Living in Boulder County, I think 1% of all households here have a Prius. (Every 200th driver?). They are everywhere, I see sometimes 10 a day. Nobody waves anymore... Anybody know where we can get regional sales numbers? Nate
Gave a Classic driver the thumbs up and he gave back a wave. We were in the wifes Prius, so he knows that we can ID the Classics, despite this is our third Prius.
I remember when I was a kid my dad has a corvette, anytime another Corvette would pass us they'd wave and my dad would wave back. I thought it was cool. I've only had my Prius for a few weeks, but I've noticed 4 or 5 other Prius' and waved at a few and only got blank stares in return.
Yeah, the only drivers I've seen that wave to each other are Corvettes even now. Do Mustangs? Do minivans? Do Mercedes? I just don't think it crosses their minds. Don't understand why we might be honking at them. I think its kinda cool when I see another smart car buyer (Prius owner) but am a little shy about waving and acting like a nut. My husband already thinks I've gone off the deep end with this car!
i give them a nod or smile but generally the other prius drivers are senior citizens and I think they've gone a little senile. They look like the stereotyped old drivers, hanging onto the wheels with two hands not taking there eyes off the road, holding up traffic :|
I hope we Prii owners don't become a uppitty as Corvette owners... when I was a kid and was partners with a couple of other kids who both owned 'Vetts.. they'd just get ticked if another 'Vette didn't wave... even if they were driving the Ford push truck.. As for the Classics.. I have a hard time recognising them... SORRY Nate because we live in Colorado.. we need to get non-wavers involved!!!!