To me it's a safety feature. So I think it's essential. That said, because the Prius' rearview blindspot is not too bad, it's less essential to have the rear camera on the Prius than say the typical mini-van or SUV with their huge reaview blindspots.
Essential? The brakes are essential. The steering wheel is essential. I'm certain a few more items fit on this list of essentials, but the rear-view camera isn't there. At the same time, I wouldn't buy this car without it. I have young children, and our neighborhood is populated by many very young children. They don't ask permission or even knock before coming into the house, so they certainly feel comfortable being anywhere on or near our driveway! Beyond that, my own family may leave things in the driveway or even on the garage floor behind my car. One quick glance shows whether my way is clear. Further? You won't believe how much easier it is to park with that camera! I'd say "go for it."
Personally, I think it gives the driver more confidence while backing up. Not necessarily essential, but good to have, and certainly eliminates the question: "can I backup just a bit further?"
The camera potentially saved my life. I'm parking in the only spot practically in the entire city of Santa Monica, and of course at the end of the spot are a couple of Harleys. We're talking spotless bikes that obviously are well cared for. Normally, I would say, nah, and find another spot, but I had already driven around for 20 minutes. I back in and I can see the guys at the restaurant nudging each other waiting for me to knock over a bike and thus have my life ended by the big bikers. With the camera, I was able to get up to about a couple inches away with nary a scratch. When I got out, even the biker dudes were impressed and the people siting outside the restaurant gave me an ovation. My ego was sky high and I lived another day.
The camera would have saved the life of John Gotti's young son who was killed when a neighbor backed-up over him. It would have saved the life of the neighbor too.
If you never experienced it, I could see how someone would think it's just a luxury. But once you have experienced it, you will never, ever want to go back.
The camera is good for parking and for watching out for that small kid that might be my grandchildren. I can't imagine what I would do if I harmed one of them.
I never remember to look at it. I just look at the rear view mirror and then turn my head to look behind me. When i do look at it I don't trust what I'm seeing and do the above.
Not essential. I use it when parallel parking in a tight space. Otherwise I back up the old fashioned way - I turn around and look out the window, use my mirrors etc.
I like it but wouldn't buy it if it was a stand alone option. As a parking aid, I find the view deceptive. People taking their first ride in my Prius are fascinated by it. Just another geek toy in a great little car. Mike
I personally believe my Prius which has no camera has the best rear vision of almost any car I have ever driven. If you carry big loads it could be handy or big people in the back. I never had one and never wished I did. I could buy one for a couple hundred dollars but why?
It's like the NAV system (GPS), something good to have but not really essential. Even if you do have the backup camera, never got too dependent on it or you'll lose confidence to drive 'other' vehicles.
It's only as good as your driving habits are. It can be a great help in some circumstances. Majority of the times I don't need to use it. But I do use it when I'm parked at the grocery stores or places where there are a lot of people, especially small children, walking around. As an extra precaution, I've installed an outside backup beeper to alert people when the car is backing up. The camera can help you see the look on people's faces when they hear those beeps. Priceless!
The only time I use it is to judge how close I can backup to something. Other than that, I don't use it. I actually (gasp) turn my head and look! ... Brad PS: Pet peeve = people that only use their mirrors to back up: be scared of this person
I have owned cars with worse rear visibility, and they didn't have the camera. It's not essential, but it is a great feature. I use it whenever I back, checking for obstructions and clearance. With the backup camera, you can back to withing a fraction of an inch of an obstruction. The rear bumper is visible in the camera view. As other posters have noted, the camera is not a replacement for swiveling your head and looking in the mirrors. It simply supplies one more view, giving the driver a unique perspective. Tom
Very handy for parallel parking in tight spots. Also very reassuring to know that there are no little ones back there (our neighborhood is full of very fast shorties - two of which are mine). As others have noted, it's a great supplement to your own eyes and ears.