It dawned on me the other day. In the past two years, I bought an Apple TV (which I think is the coolest thing since sliced bread), an iPhone, a Nano for my father-in-law, and I just signed up for a bank account that will get a free iPod Touch for my wife. The future plan is to use the iPod Touch and iPhone's free "Remote" app to create a poor man's Sonos after investing in an Airport Express that will give us the ability to queue up iTunes music from the computer in our basement to the speakers in our living room. Am I a fanboy yet, or do I need to buy a Mac first? At least I think MobileMe is a piece of trash.
MacBook Pro Two airports in the house (extreme and express) iPhone (had 2.5G, now 3G) .Mac (Mobile Me) and this: lol.
This would be a good place to post this . . . Apple replacing faulty MagSafe power adapters . . . . . . even if out of warranty period. Apple replacing faulty MagSafe power adapters, too - Engadget
haha past 2 years i purchased a macbook, mac mini, iPhone 8gb 1st gen, iPhone 16gb 3g, macbook air, bluetooth mouse and keyboard, 30gb ipod classic. and a lot of shuffles and nanos for gifts to friends and family i guess you can call me an undercover mac genius LOL
I don't know about you, but I love Apple. I have: two iPod Touch three other iPods of various sizes three iPod Nanos two iPod shuffles even a first gen iPod stick Apple TV iMac iPhone iJukebox (okay, that is not made by Apple but it's named that) two Mac Minis Apple stickers on my cars, and on my front door to the house. Yup. I drank the Kool Aid.
My only Apple product is an iPod Shuffle. Does that make me a fanboy? It seems weird to call you an Apple fanboy when you don't even have a Mac.
You're an Apple fanboy, but a weird one. It's sort of like being a fan of Elizabethan theater but never have read or seen a play by Shakespeare.
Microsoft Enlists Jerry Seinfeld in $300M Ad War Against Apple Seems Microsoft was tired of getting their butts kicked with those commercials. Microsoft Enlists Jerry Seinfeld in Ad War Against Apple - Science News | Science & Technology | Technology News Microsoft commercials staring Jerry Seinfeld? Looks like Seinfeld is going to become uncool too.
I really liked the Seinfeld show but wasn't it all about making something out of nothing, is that what we should think of Vista ? Today @ PC World Note to Seinfeld: Beware, Microsoft's Made Some Bad TV Ads
<JerrySeinfeld>"What's the deal with the Apple TV!?! It's not an apple, and it's not a TV!!!</JerrySeinfeld> Now that's a fanboy! Okay, so one iPod's headphone in one ear, one in the other, maybe if you shove a third headphone up your nose and crank up the volume you'd be able to hear it. After that, I'm all out of orifices in earshot! Seriously, why so many? I figure I'll have my iPhone and my wife will have the Touch once we get it. We'll probably sell our old 20 GB iPod at that point I think. Do you have your Airport Expresses set up as music servers controlled by the "Remote" app? I'd be curious to see what you think of the setup if so.
It's MobileMe now, and it's a horrible service so far. Apple keeps appologizing for it and giving people free time. I have it, but I'm pretty unsatisfied with the experience.
They are filled with various lists, and put in various places around the house, in the car. One is filled with nothing but classical, for instance. The one in the car is a 160GB one. I have over 30,000 songs in that one. And it's not even my complete collection. I have a diner juke box in the kitchen with a Touch. I have a juke box in the pub with another Touch. I have a iPod Nano with relaxing music in my bed room on a iClock Radio. One in the bathroom. One outside near my grills, hooked up to a Sony iPod radio. My wife has one, and it's in her car. I mean, the list is long.