Should I consider a no package Prius for economic reasons?? It seems I'm mostly giving up the rear camera safety feature which actually seems important on the Prius (rear window narrow + quiet car). I know these cars are rare, etc, but I 'll ask a few dealers if they would do it and don't mind a couple months wait. Could one get aftermarket rear camera if necessary?? The vehicle stab. control also lacking in the no package is also not an option in the Civic hybrid.
your also not going to get cruise control. i would seriously consider getting the prius with packages if i were you. another downside of the base prius is that i believe its a low resolution screen, and the prius with packages has a higher resolution screen.
I have a 2007 Basic, no package. The package One in 2007 gave your RF Keys and the rearview camera. I've never had either, and I'm totally happy with my car. I have keyless entry, cruise control, power windows, trim rings, a mat in the hatch, and the list goes on. I'm not sure if that has changed in 2008, but there's my 2007 model experience for you. I saw your other thread, hopefully this should distinguish a little better what a basic Prius is.
My original choice was a package #1 any color but red or black. the salesman said that in his experience he had never seen a #1 or base and that i should ask for a package #2 or lower. well 4 days later another person called and said they had a car ??? wasn't sure what it was as they had never seen one with out a camera or smart key. i asked him if it had cruise control and power windows and he said yes so i told him it was a package #2. i don't feel the need for the back up camera but then again i don't have a point of comparison. the car is high tech enough for me so i am happy happy happy. if i could figure it out i'd put a smiley face but thats a bit high tech for me
i mean the energy, cd, climate displays will be in low resolution coloecovision, similiar to a prius of what 5 years ago? while the prius with pacakges , has a nicer looking playstation like high resolution screen for energy, cd, and climate displays. just because you may not be getting the rear view camera does not mean you won't be getting the display screen
Is there a radio in the Base model? I can't imagine a car with no radio! I think some of this depends on your situation. I was all set to go with Package #2. Then realized that, caring for my Dad, I am going to have to get a cell phone in the near future and be available at all times. So I went with package 3. I also checked with my insurance co. as to the premium savings with the anti theft system, but that was not the deciding factor for me, the cell phone capability was. I plan on keeping the car for 10 years or longer.
If you need to sit in the waiting game for delivery anyway, why not order the Prius with something nicer which you can afford? So instead of saying "Gee, I should have ordered these and that"'ll have no regrets after the car is delivered.
I don't have the backup camera and have no problem backing into complex parking places. You DO have to know how to drive, however. I would pay extra for the SKS, cruise control, and VSC, but my car came with them anyway. We don't have "packages" in Canada. You can have a "base", fully loaded except nav., and fully loaded with nav. in Canada. No leather, and they're all now the "touring" models (2008 - Pearl is not a "touring").