This is probably only interesting for those of us in MA but here is a sortable list of hybrid cars by city. I found it interesting that my town (Newton) has the 2nd most hybrids in the state, behind only Boston. From
But percentage-wise, you only have 0.1% more than my town of Northampton. For those too lazy to check, here are some superlatives: Highest percentage: New Ashford, with 6.7% (second place is Leverett with 4%). Of course, with 7 cars out of only 105 and 43 cars out of 1088, that doesn't mean much. Highest percentage with city with more than 10,000 registered cars: Lexington, with 2.3%. Lowest percentage: Springfield, at 0.1% (a mere 98 cars out of 73,572).
I'd be a little concerned that someone was actually WATCHING my car.... probably try to come and take 'em all back, too. You know, conspiracy and all that.... ESPECIALLY in Massachusetts! Gawd, those bozos want social programs for dirt! LOL Just kidding, boys and girls. Don't call the PC Police!
When you look at the percentages, it is all the wealthier communities with the high figures. Which makes sense for cutting edge technology. (Born, raised and forever a Massachusetts person; currently "visiting" in RI for 16 years.)
Are Prii even legal in Alabama? Or are you only allowed to own one as long as you don't give up your pickup truck so you have something to tow your mobile home?
Cool list Bohouse...I realize you posted this months ago but I just got my Prius and on this site and was just searching through threads with MA tagged to see what relevant info. I could find from others close by. Good to see so many people from MA on here...add 1 to the North Andover list! Do you have any mods done to your Prius to improve mpg? I have a grill block and max psi on the tires. First tank was 56.5 mpg. After 275 miles in my second tank I'm at approx. 58-59 mpg.