OK. I am looking at getting a package 2 and adding on the leather option for like $1499 i think it is. I don't really won't... nor can i afford all the stuff that comes with the package 6. But the leather is a must. I see that the add on is called "leather faced", and that the package 6 is leather trimmed. What is the difference. Does the add on not include the doors and sterring wheel ?? Which i can live without... Also, i have seen other posts about the liquidcell in the add on. Is this the same at all dealerships... or does it depend on who they use for their aftermarket leather seats...Sounds like more comfort, less $, am i missing something?
I think "leather trimmed" means the same as leather faced - the Package 6 non-seating surfaces are "Pleather".
Same but note that Toyota's factory option comes with leather-wrapped steering wheel and synthetic leather door trim (which in the case of the Prius is just the door armrests) as well as a synthetic leather-wrapped centre console box lid. The leather option you're getting is either port-installed (by SE Toyota) or dealer-installed (so they probably will take it to a local shop to do it). In this case, it's best if you clarify with the dealer what the $1499 covers and whether you get the full monty or simply just the seats. Also, quality varies with prices so check with them too.
That is alot to pay for the leather seats, but I think anything is better than the cloth. The seat, armrests, and the center console do not wear well in the cloth. I've have Pruis owners really complain about the poor quality of the cloth.
Yeah... i gues that i will pin all of that stuff down on the dealer before i buy. I have been to the toyota site, and my dealer doesn't have the one in stock that i want... but in this area there are some. w/ package 2 + leather "faced" seats. I guess i just need to get the particulars of that. I drive about 140mi a day so. I think that the leather is worth it for the wear factor, as well as the comfort. That's why i asked about the gel deal with the add ons. I am really in the deepest stages of research at this point. Just trying to get it all togther before I make the dreaded trip to the dealer. I think i hate that about as much as a trip to the dentist. Except, i know that trip to the dentist will be shorter.
I got the #6 because leather for me is a must, and the stereo sounds good enough to where I won't spend any $ ripping it out like I've done most of my past vehicles. Stock nav blows, but it's nice to have if you ever need it.
We have a package #6 with bisque leather. I must say, the leather steering wheel feels very nice (not in hot weather, of course) when driving and having the cabin fitted with leather (armrests, etc.) is a nice touch as well. The dealership did tell me that they could install leather for us if we order a non-leather package, but I think the factory leather looks the best (especially the bisque color) since the seats are perforated and give it a "Lexus-look". One complaint about the leather seats is that they are rock solid... compared to our old Honda minivan. But then again, they look nicer and appear to have more value than our Honda.
We have both a 2008 package 6 with factory leather and a 2005 package 6 with add-on (Katskin) leather (2005 didn't yet offer leather at all). The add-on leather is just as nice as the factory leather. They are perforated just like the factory leather. Getting the center console and the door panels done is a MUST because the cloth the Prius has there is awful - almost like a felt from the craft store. In the Katskin package, this was included. The only difference is the steering wheel.
I have the 2008 Touring with pkg 5. Really wanted the package 6 but with wait time, I settle for a pkg5 instead. I had leather added at the port. The center console is also covered with leather. Steering wheel and armrests are not covered. And the two small strips in the backseat near the door are also not covered, wonder if they forgot or it come that way.
I agree. The leather is nice on package 6's. My aunt took delivery on her Package 6, silver, last week and she was very happy with it. I noticed that the leather wrapped steering wheel has a wider grip...(maybe just an illussion). :biggrin1: I have not seen a lot of package 2 with leather...since you are paying an extra $1500 for the option, why not up your choices to 4, 5, or 6?
I got a package 2 with leather and the dealer installed it. But the dealer charged me $899.00 for it. They replaced the arms and the center console also.
ask me, it would be much easier and less stressful to up your package option to the point leather is included. it would also allow some extra goodies to come your way with a higher package. but that is just me. i tend to pay extra up front to get what i want so i do not have to deal with problems down the road.
I had "904 Motorsports Inc. Wilson Automotive Leather" install the Leather package in my 07 package#2. It was a real nice job and I couldn't be happier. They use "Roadwire Leather Interiors" and it is excellent quality that looks as good or better than factory. They are located in Jacksonville, Florida so they may be close to you depending on where in Georgia you are. You may try calling them at (904) 642-8080 and see what they can do for you. There address is 2421 St Johns Bluff Rd. Unit 107 Jacksonville Fl. 32246. I know they offer perforated and non-perforated leather seating and they do all the armrests and center console. They don't do the steering wheel but you can get the wheelskin cover from the Prius store here on Prius chat. Hope I was able to leave you without any questions. Good Luck.
To get the leather in the pkg#6 you have to take, and spend the $800.00 for the GPS added by pgk#5, which costs $300 a pop to update and can't be xferred between cars. That's why we chose the leather option @ the Exterior/Interior "Build you own" step. At the time I assumed that this was the factory option and the Pkg#6 was the POE option. Either way, we wanted leather, but we didn't want to spend $800 for the GPS. We ordered the Touring w/pkg#3 which gives us everything a pkk#6 has and more, better suspension, 16" wheels, less the GPS.
Blamy...i am in Brunswick. So that might be an option for me. Thanks, How much was it to get that installed? I saw a katskinz package that includes the doors and the console for 799. But that is the leather only, no installation. As for upgrading. i really don't want to pay the extra for the 6 when all i really want is the package 2 stuff + leather. Just a personal preference. I can get a Garmin for 200-300 bucks. and it's portable.
:welcome:Gunguy05: Just noticed your location is Georgia. I'm here in Marietta. Welcome aboard. PC is really a top notch site. Many really Prius knowledgeable, Prius trained, Prius experienced members who will really go out of there way to assist if they think they can help. I've come to believe that if no one here knows the answer, no body does. Good luck. I'm sure we'll be trading posts in the future. Bye for now! :bolt:
Hi dwreed3rd (Marietta) and GunGuy05 (Brunswick)... I'm in the middle between you - Macon, Georgia. I've owned a 2008 pkg#2 car since last October (now @ 25,000 miles) and I'm on my (same) local dealer's waiting list for an '09. Just a note: I'm averaging over 60 miles per gallon (got a picture for you if I can figure out how to attach it...) on highway and around town. People here love to hate me in their huge Avalanches/Tundras/Dodge Dulie Hemis/Hummers/Tahoes/Expeditions when I'm tucked into the right lane at exactly the speed limit. And venture into Atlanta (285) ??? Are you KIDDING ME ? I've done it but only with the flashers on !!! (for real). My salesman tells me to "forgetaboutdit" when I ask about leather (!) or anything other than another pkg#2 car, for that matter. He wants a quick and easy sale... and he knows there are lots more 2's. But I'm holding out this time for a pkg#3-Touring... Guess I'm gonna be waitin' a while longer. Thank goodness I'm already in a Prius where so many are still in line for their first one... It's worth the wait folks. Anyway, leather is at the top of my "gotta have it" list. (I want to run for President of the "I hate these fuzzy Prius seats" club.) And because I can't get any sense out of the dealership salesman (at all) will you guys - or somebody - pleast tell me what (truthfully) is the MINIMUM package where true factory (not port) leather is available? If it is #6 then I have no choice but to wait out a 3T and have aftermarket leather installed. I saw a 2008 3T at the dealership as it was being purchased by the used car manager's wife... local place put in the leather (hope he's not reading this - but what the heck, right?). Awful. Loose, kind'a looked like the slip covers from my dad's 1964 Dodge Dart. You could almost pull up a handful of material. I'm on the road anyway - my territory includes Jax/Atl/B'ham/Chattanooga/Nashville/Louisville so any good recommendations for top notch leather installation is also appreciated. I can tell all of you this much - get the door armrests and the center arm rest cover done as well... I'm not a slob and never eat in the car - but these cloth surfaces are not designed to stay clean for very long. Guess I'll have to pay somebody to clean them (and the driver's seat) when it comes time to sell this car.... Thanks - glad to know there's other Georgian's here on pc !
I'll have to see what we end up with, definitly will be leather, may have to after marketr the arm rests and console. Thanks for the info.