From CNN California: Green cars too quiet - California: Green cars too quiet SACRAMENTO, California (AP) -- Electric and hybrid vehicles may be better for the environment, but the California Legislature says they're bad for the blind. It has passed a bill to ensure that the vehicles make enough noise to be heard by visually impaired people about to cross a street. The measure would establish a committee to study the issue and recommend ways the vehicles could make more noise. The state Department of Motor Vehicles says more than 300,000 of the vehicles are on state roads. Officials say they don't keep statistics on pedestrian accidents involving those vehicles. The bill has been sent to Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, who has not taken a position. I have 2 back-up whistles off a Peterbilt that I can install which should make sufficient noise...
Good grief! How about we all wear a mandetory speech to text box around our neck so that deaf people who cannot read lips will know what we are saying. All of this is getting a little/lot rediculous.
People and their committees! Way to go CA! Aren't you glad you live in a state where your elected officials tackle those really tough issues. I know how it could make more noise. Tie a couple politicians to the back bumper like in a wedding. Oh, wait, one might fall off the rope and we would have to have a committee to remedy that too!
How about strapping a politician onto the front of every Prius. They make enough noise that even a deaf blind person will hear them coming. On the other hand, all that hot air will be bad for global climate change. Tom
Now what about the unfortunte groups who are not only visually impaired but also tone deaf as well? How could a cow-bell on the hybrids help? And why not pass a law to make the visually impaired people more 'visible' to the (Hybrid/Non-Hybrid) drivers instead? Yea, way to go...CA!
You stupid "Sons O Bitches" (THE CA Legislators), why don't you think about something productive, well say like, PASSING A BALANCED STATE BUDGET!!!" You all piss around, waste our tax money, and your time on "CRAP" like this piece of drivel. SNAP out of IT!! One of your loving constituents, Pat KK6PD
Unfortunately it isn't just the state of CA. It's the state of the US in general. When a person becomes an elected official, (local, state, fed) they loose their sense of who they are and what they really should be doing for the people. It then becomes a sort of I am all powerful and I can make or break a deal, what's in it for ME?
O' I don't know, the blind shouldn't drive anyway!!! I Googled to get more info on "The California Legislature, it replied "Did you mean "R-Tard Putzes"!! I guess I did! KK6PD
Yet another example of how out of touch with reality and the actual world our politicians are. They are a sad example to the rest of the world.
Sadly I always do, 1 right vote, everyone else voted for the fools! Sometimes it does'nt pay to get out of bed!!! Pat KK6PD
1) The measure is in the Governor's office - call and tell them what is wrong. 2) Identify the California Senators who voted for it - call and tell them what is wrong. Get the facts and - search NHTSA-2008-0108-0020 - opposition facts and data NHTSA-2008-0108-0020.1 - why were hybrid owners ignored? NHTSA-2008-0108-0020.2 - Chidester report, noise won't work Write a letter to the editor of the papers in each district. Make sure to cite the facts and data ... and have some fun. This is one I can't help you' all on. I'm in Alabama and really if the state of California will ban hybrid electrics, they'll be that much cheaper in the states that don't. <GRINS> Bob Wilson
The Socialist State of California has slipped on yet another banana peel. Even the Terminator cant keep the state from slipping off into the ocean. Why do the blind have so much political clout anyway?
I replied to this on the other thread. We have a lot of Prii in California. If the silence of the car was a threat to blind pedestrians, the study will show how many Prii are running over people because of that silence. It won't. Because the Prius isn't a threat and it isn't running over people due to it's silence. So California won't do anything to "bell the Prius" and will stand as a beacon of sanity when it comes up on the Fed level. In fact, the California study will probably be cited. It's too bad we have to be first and pay for it, but then what else is new?
We're about $30 billion (yeah, a "b") from a balanced budget right now. I think it's unlikely this will get funded.
All I can say is that there is NO way I am putting some freaking noisemaker on my car. I keep myself from running over blind people by WATCHING WHERE I AM GOING. What a concept, huh?
Oil prices went down due to lower consumption, so they need to increase the consumption again. Oil makes the world turn around. Ogo
This is easily one of the dumbest things I've ever heard. I too would like to know how many blind people get mowed down by Hybrids...