Saw one once a couple of years ago turning off I-80 to Kimball Junction and Park City, Ut. Apparently, the one built for Robert De Niro cost $2.2 million, and the one built for Will Smith was a bargain-basement $1.4 million My last year in the Guard, a couple of us were in a rattletrap hmmv near Nephi, Utah, on I-15. We were passed by one of those bus RV's, it looked like the driver was 187 years old. I swear he had a nasal cannula, one of those mental images I just know I'll carry to the grave. Maybe his oxygen was running low and he was in a big hurry to get to a larger place and get a new cylinder Crash standards are one thing. Keep in mind the construction method involves a lot of foam, various plastics, etc. Once you have a fire, even a small one, the entire rig can quickly go up. All that nice foam and plastic burning, you have toxic fumes that would quickly kill you This video is jerky, but you get the idea of how nicely a luxury motorhome burns. IN an urban area, the fire truck usually gets there in 5-7 minutes, this video is about 2.5 minutes This RV burned at Stevens Pass, WA. Annoying soundtrack, but you also get the idea of how quickly it goes up If I had one, I'd have remote-discharge extinguishers in the engine bay, and huge extinguishers in the cabin Of that, I have no doubt. I'm at the other end of the spectrum and would want my A/C, soft comfy bed, pets next to me, satellite tv, etc etc. Raging RV fires optional
Oh man, now I feel like even more of a minimalist. Or would that be less? I don't even have all those things at home.
My steel framed home built motorcycle trailer fully loaded with camp gear including a stand up in tent, folding camp bed, mattress, table, chairs, stove, cooler, spare petrol and tools weighs in at under 200kg (440lbs) By patsparks, shot with C725UZ at 2007-05-31 The last thing I want to see or hear when I am camping is a bloody television, the second last thing I want to hear is a generator, closely followed by screaming kids. Happy kids are find but ... Oh, and where I live towing even my 200kg trailer with a Prius is strictly forbidden because Prius has a manufacturers towing capacity of 0 kilograms. My last trip away I traveled light, I just took my biker swag a towel, some clothes, some food and toiletries. < Biker Swag (not mine but just like mine)
I admit I'm turning into a bit of a sissy in my old age. Good thing I still look like a mean bald gorilla
You are bloody handy, aren't you? Next time I have a major project at my hobby farm, I'm flying you in Would you believe the giant bus-type RV's sold here even offer *exterior* surround-sound telly? So much for peace and quiet! Modern generators, especially those made by Honda, are remarkably quiet. At most, a very soft hum that fades away once more than 10 metres or so away. Honda used to make a liquid cooled RV generator that was remarkably quiet and fuel efficient, and also remarkably expensive too. Their new inverter series are very quiet EU3000isCA.<2>. EU1000iC.<2>. The newest Onan diesel generators designed for RV use are pretty quiet too, you can thank the sound blanket and silencer. Ah, that is why I'm happily single with no offspring. At least none that I am even vaguely aware of Nope, I don't think I could do that. I'm getting soft in my middle age
Thirty years ago, I would have happily given up being a chimpanzee in exchange for your gorilla-ness. Now, I'm quite content being a cheeky monkey.