On my way home, in my first gen 2001 Prius, I turned a corner and TWO MORE first generation Priuses met my gaze. I wonder how rare, on a back road in the midwest, it is to have three first gens in a row, essentially. (Turkey as in bowling) Oh, and not a one of us acknowledged the others.
I don't even HAVE mine yet, and I wave at every one I see! Must have to do with the waiting list . . . .
It's true....now that I have one, me (and the two small children) play Prius-spotting games on every drive. Two more live on our street in Dallas, another one a few streets over. I notice them everywhere. But I try not to embarrass myself making glee, chummy faces at the unknown (but like-minded) drivers.
In case you haven't noticed there are to many drivers that cannot drive and chew gum at the same time. Witness the many cell phone users you see EVERY day driving in a very stupid manner. If you cant do two things at once......