Hi all! my new every two cell phone contract with verizon is just about up, and I can upgrade to a new phone. I currently have the motorola Q, and I think I would like the Blackberry Curve. does anyone here have one? if so, how is the compatability with the Prius bluetooth? I would certainly appreciate any and all feedback. Thanks in advance !!
Another 8830 here. No real problems. Transferring the address book was simple once I figured out the secret sequence (you need to push from the phone rather than pull from the Prius, or at least after initializing the Prius to receive). One small catch is that the Prius only has two numbers per directory entry so if a BB contact has more than two phone numbers it will appear multiple times in the Prius phonebook. Very minor issue, and handled the correct way, IMO.
Great!! thanks for the responses...... pdhenry, my Motorola Q did the push-pull thing too, thanks for the heads up. i can't wait for my new phone!!