What's up with PC for the past couple days. Regardless of clicking on the main forum ... newbie ... FHOP ... every page is re-directed to nothing but ads. Then later in the day, it simply clears up. Is it because of more upgrades? or what.
Hadn't noticed and I was up until about 1:30 am Central last noc and later the night before. I've had one person say they've seen the home page partially load then stop and they haven't been able to get one. Meanwhile I've had no issues and it seems most people are getting on at will.
I couldn't acess any page on PriusChat for like the past day in Internet Explorer 7, but when using Firefox 3, I could. Now, I am completely confused . (writing from IE7) -Orion
I've had strange problems with it for the last week culminating in being unable to get get past the first page (varies) for about 24 hours starting yesterday morning. During the day I was on Windows 95 with I.E 6.0 and at night Vista with who knows what version of IE.
I had problems for about the last 24 hours too until I clicked "Log Out" as the page was loading. Entered my userid / password and it's working now. Did the cookie need to be rewritten or was it a happy coincidence?
I've had problems since Sunday. Part of the page would load, but then it would lock. Other times when I would "launch" the page I would get ads. Today at noon was the first time I've been able to get in without any problem. I'm almost afraid to log off now for fear I'll lose the window.
OK peeps - one more time . . . . Clear up many of your problems . . . Firefox web browser | Faster, more secure, & customizable or for other that US English versions . . . Firefox web browser | International versions: Get Firefox in your language
Reminds me of the following incident (before cel phones.) A coworker of mine left a message on another coworker's answering machine. In those days we were in cubeland and could hear each other's messages when played back (whether we wanted to or not.) Message playing: "Bill, this is Daryl, I need to talk to you about this project. I'm not near a phone right now but you can..." We had a lot of fun at Daryl's expense over that.
You can read more about the problem in this thread: http://priuschat.com/forums/priuschat-website-questions/52379-adyieldmanager-com-slooooooow.html But basically I put in some code that messed up IE users, but not FireFox or Safari users. Since I only use those 2 on my Mac, I wasn't fully aware of the issue until this morning. Should be all fixed now. Regarding the slow ad.yieldmanager.com stuff, I had Natural Path Media (our ad broker), pull that feed so that it avoided it altogether. I've noticed that it's much speedier this afternoon. Let me know if your experience is the same.
It was very frustrating, couldn't get a page to load and couldn't tell anyone about it. I was wondering if it was a windows upgrade I had just installed or a hijack of the site. Had no trouble anywhere else. I was starting to tremor from withdrawals. Oh Tony you're a smart arse.
I was having the same problem too. I had just upgraded my anti-virus software and was wondering if that was the problem. Glad it is resolved now, cause I was wondering what I did! -V
Ahh HAAA ! ! ... so it's not just me - the big ol retard ... er, at least this time. I feel better. Moved to website questions. Oh! a new / undiscovered area of PC !! I gotta get out of FHOP more often
Sounds like a typical day at work: "The network's down; why don't you send out an email telling everyone?"