I have to agree with the site...just b/c you can doesn't mean you should....I think it looks just ridiculous.
It achieves its purpose as a show car, and shows off the fabrication abilities of the customizer. It makes me want to throw up, though.
Wth............ I can't even imagine its street legal. It doesn't appear to have much visibility at all, even out the front windshield.
Did anyone else find this picture a little odd? The shifter is upside-down. is up and to the left rather than down and to the right. I suppose this puts to rest all those gripes that pushing the lever forward is reverse.
I have to admit that this is the only feature I actually kind of like. Not necessarily the shifter orientation (which IS backward BTW ) but the center console bridged from the dash. I'm sure it makes the interior feel smaller but I like the separation. I agree. This thing isn't intended for Joe Priusdriver. It's about taking the modification as far as you can take it. Mission accomplished.
It's a show car, so it would fit in perfectly at your average DUB car show (assuming some of you have seen some of the cars modified for the show). I have to say I like the modified front brakes : WP Pro 6-pot, 360 mm front. Yes, I know it's utterly excessive, but that's kind of the point of a show car - in fact it was the point of this car, per the guys who spent 960+ hours building it. Body-wise, I actually think the front splitter and widebody is kind of cool (first widebody Prius, ever), but the reverse koniegsegg (or however it's spelled) doors are pretty terrible. Hey, at least they're not Lambo doors:
Yeah you're right about the shifter,Hmm,I like the contrast of colour on the dash in this pic,is that an option somewhere in the world?I noticed the top section of the door cards are the same!!
Except that there's a difference between mirroring and rotating. You will notice that there is no way to rotate the RHD shifter to match the one in the pimped Prius. Specifically, make up and to the left.
Look at it with open mind, it's an amazing 'show' car.... However; it does create eye-sore if it's driven on the road.....legally. Gee, they spent so much (time/$$) on modifying and not even convert the headlights to HID?! Also where are the Fog lights? (Maybe it got all under car Neons instead). Still, no HID.....less coolest.