Alright, watching/listening to the Illini and da Bulls, I got the pics from today edited. Bear with me, as I haven't really posted pics before. That last picture shows up once in a while for me.
The red X's look pretty good, though I didn't see any at the Meet-Up. Can't see the pics Matt, sorry. Wayne
Great pics; and thanks again to Tony for making the arrangements. Would love to post a couple of the pics I took, if someone can explain how.
I just want to thank everyone that was there. I have never met a bunch of people that were so friendly and genuine. I enjoyed it and my mother, who bought my Prius Classic ( The one in the front of the pack in the pictures) thought everyone was wonderful. Thanks Guys for a absolutely wonderful day.
I'm really glad so many showed up. From the first meet-up with three cars to eleven! Impressive. There's no doubt in my mind that warmer meet-ups will be better. Unfortunately, with a large group, we have a hard time sitting in a restaurant in a way that we are all together to just talk and hang out. Such as today. I felt a little bad that we had to split tables. Hopefully, during the summer we can get a shelter at a reserve or something similar where we can spend the day outside hanging out rather than huddling together for warmth. Who knows how this works? What's involved in reserving a shelter? Or, barring that, is there somewhere we can just show up at without reservations? I have looked and I've looked but I can't find a link to speak of. Matt, what's the link? Also, I would like to post these in the main forum to let the others know that we have a large, active, and darned good-looking local group. If you have any objections, please let me know.
Dang! I missed this thread (I thought an email would go out when this showed up).. I LIVE in Lombard! Hope you had a good time!
ClubMedic, I'm sorry. I seriously had the thought at the beginning of the week to send out a reminder about the meetup. Unfortunately, it completely slipped my mind and never got done. However, I vow this will not happen again. Please refer to a thread I'm about to start about sending me private email addresses for bulk mailings.
Tony, It was great meeting you and all the people at the meet-up I was looking forward to this and I, my wife, my mom and our friend Joanne were NOT disappointed. It was fun, and it goes to show you Prius people are great people. Thanks for you hard work putting it together and a special thanks to our Prius Photographers! I love the pics. Martin
They should be in my post above, second one on page 2. (At least that's how it comes out to me.) If not, well, I don't know, it seems like we can't attach photos to posts anymore. And I killed my bandwith with geocities (uploading and testing) within an hour. Photobucket (free) might give a little more bandwith, and I see it still. As far as reserving shelters, I think for Cook County, you look on the forest preserve districts webpages, and they have instructions for reserving them, usually requires a deposit, etc. I imagine other counties will be the same. And if we're doing forest preserve grilling out, well, I can help out with the meat section of that! (RIBS, RIBS, RIBS!) If we follow the two month spacing, that might be good for a July one, as May would be the next, and May can get cold and/or have temperamental weather. One interesting, unique thought I had on how to meet one time would be someone picking a place, whether or not they let it be known to the group, and tell the latitude/longitude of the place. Then we enter that, and get there. It'd be interesting, to say the least. Unfortunately, it wouldn't be that easy to get the non-Nav Prii there, unless there is something out there that would print out directions by lat/long, or the person who knows what it is tells people directions there. And finally, to Bill, depending on how familiar you are the internet, this may or may not be helpful, I used a 3rd party image hosting site (, signed up, and put my pictures on there, and reference them in my post by using [ img ] (image URL) [ /img ] (without spaces, and replacing (image URL) with the actual link to the image. If this doesn't help, someone else might be able to explain it better, or I might be able to explain it better eventually.
Not sure why I wasn't seeing the pics at home (probably dial-up issues) but here at work they look great. Thanks for risking your neck and posting the pictures.
Thanks again Tony for setting up the meeting, it was great meeting everyone. I also think an outdoor gathering would be a good idea for next time, preferably with a covered area in case it rains.
I, too, want to thank Tony for making the arrangments. I had a great time meeting everyone and can't wait for the next "meet up". Great pictures, too!
If Lombard worked out well, the town has 7 parks, two of which have Frisbee Golf courses. They also have shelters near the 1st tee (of each course).
Just an FYI. Several people commented on the protective film and body side molding. The installer who did mine is Tim Kirlin at Plastic Surgeons, Inc.; 630-669-7033. He's very positive and helpful. Give him a call!
Hey thanks!! I really liked the way yours turned out. It seems like a good idea to combat stones and flying "crap". I'm going to give him a call, thanks again. Was it you who I talked to about taking his Prius on a fishing trip to Canada? If it is, where do you go? A group of 'da boys" and I have been going to Leech lake in MN for years...we were looking to do a Canada trip one year....not that Leech is a "bad" place...but just looking for some variety. Tom