Re: Pulse & Glide help? Life without a Scangauge, how bleak it would be. The Scangauge helps train you, is quite entertaining, and pays for itself over time (NO doubt). That said, drive 50 - 60 mph and hit Cruise Control. When hilly and no cars behind, turn off cruise control and let car slow down. If you don't want cruise control, I would drive to 55-60 and then on the flat, lightly feather back on the pedal but hold it steady (i.e. try to get Super Highway Mode); gas will be consumed (orange arrows). You can also Warp Stealth it: Feather back. When you see all arrows yellow, you are in Warp Stealth (Which is a 'glide' above 41mph, when you can achieve all arrows off).
Re: Pulse & Glide help? P&G on the highway is slightly different than around town or in the country. On the highway, it's more like Pulse & Bleed. By that I mean pulse up to speed then let off the pedal just enough to let the speed bleed down very slowly. Without a Scangauge, you just want to get the instant mpg bar(on the "consumption" screen) as high as you can while keeping it there for as long as possible. I have gotten as high as 76.6 on a 255 mile trip from Elkhart, IN to Ft. Thomas, KY back in May.
Actually, who needs his driving conditions? 93 MPG this afternoon, from my part time job site to my fiancee's house through the middle of Richmond, VA. To the point of this thread, this is with extensive use of pulse & glide, and keeping speeds almost entirely below 40 MPH. A major part of my strategy is seeking routes favorable for P&G. Here's the route I use for this commute, and here's the final screen shot from CAN-View to help convince the skeptics:
I didn't understand you comment, "Nice try". I wasn't trying anything! There has been several articles in the news recently about spot checks of gas pumps. A number had been found to be inaccurate and usually, although not always, in favor of the gas station. Some also implied that it seemed to occur more often with some brands than others. I don't know if it's true or not. That's why,, if you noticed I didn't make any opinion other than :noidea:, which BTW means "no idea", only passing on some information.
I would like to publicly apologize for that. I guess I was letting the other comments get to me too much.:redface: It's hard to hear people question your honesty as the other poster was after working as hard as I did on that tank; it took me over a month. Again, I am sorry.
Back to you! I apologize for over reacting. I need to throw it away and take a deep breath. I'm ashamed for the way I allow myself to get emotionally involved with some of these posts that are flying around lately, not your's. And unfortunately I allow it to carry over into the next post. Thank you. :tea:
So the average speed was ~22 mph. Not bad since the peak mileage speed range is in the 18-20 mph range. Bob Wilson
That of course includes time stopped for red lights and stop signs. I have 47 total lights (if I've accounted for all of them) and five stop signs on this route. I try to time the lights to avoid having to stop completely (some good luck with the lights on this day helped), but invariably I'll have to stop for several -- and for the stop signs of course.
One word of caution, apparently it is OK for us guys to wait on the gals, the other way around is not so true. I probably wouldn't let the future Mrs. know that it takes about an hour and 20 minutes to make a 30 mile drive ... <GRINS> The stop lights and signs explains why you didn't but 99.9. Your model in good tune and that close to the peak speed should in favorable weather and driving sustain 99.9 MPG all day long. ... Ethanol area too? Bob Wilson
After having a Prius for almost four years, I had to inquire about "Pulse and Glide" as I didn't know what it was. After applying the techniques, I just achieved my first tank average of 50+ mpg, and it was actually easier than I thought. Even with a heavy mix of city/highway driving. I know if I was was one of those serious hyper milers, I could get better numbers, but I'm not one of those "too serious" Prius owners.
Ain't it the truth! She knows I hypermile, but she doesn't usually see it in all its glory. She isn't always tolerant of it when she's in the car, so I generally pick the pace up when she's riding. Oh, the compromises we must make. Yes to the ethanol. And there are two segments on this route of about a mile apiece where those following won't tolerate speeds in the 20s or 30s: two-lane, 45 MPH, moderate traffic.
Someone please really define the pulse part for me. When I pulse, no matter what I do, I get in the teens or 20's for mpg until I'm back to the speed I want. There basically isn't acceleration if I let go of the pedal anymore. Is that right? Mind you, I was on pace to get about 56mpg on this tank before a long drive hauling lots of furniture and people for about 100 miles. I would like to set the record for quickest to 60mpg, though. I'm only on my second tank ever.
Yes, pulsing is acceleration basically. You can accelerate more slowly and try to get the mpg up, but it will be low. I am on my second tank: 65mpg.
To put it simply, pulsing is accelerating. How quickly you pulse will determine how efficient it is. I recommend watching your instantaneous MPG and keeping it at least half your vehicle speed. This will avoid both battery boost and pushing the ICE into inefficiently high ranges. For the teens & 20s you refer to, is that your instantaneous MPG during the pulse? If so, you're in the ballpark for most low speed pulses. Obviously during acceleration your iMPG is low. The key is to make it as efficient as possible then follow it with an efficient glide. The low pulse iMPG averaged with the infinitely high MPG of a properly executed glide will give impressive results. See this thread for more in depth discussion on technique, including pics of what to look for on the MFD during each phase.
I do not have the scan gauge. Previously, I was trying to use the Consumption monitor as a way to assess my MPG's and tailor my driving habits but it seems like I should use the energy monitor which is somewhat confusing to me to monitor while driving. I found today that I achieved no arrows on the Energy monitor and the MPG's were the highest but I could not prolong the (glide?) I am still having difficulty maintaining high MPG's for any prolonged time without losing too much speed and causing problems for drivers behind me. Questions: why doesn't the Prius have an RPM gauge to tell the driver when the car is operating most efficiency? Does using the the scan gauge actually manipulate the engine systems so the driver can sustain glide or stealth? If so, wouldn't the scan gauge void out the Toyota warranty? Also, I drive such short distance when I drive to work from my City condo to my City office I know my MPG's suffer. When I go to work 30 miles in the suburbs I can sometimes manage 50 MPG + interstate and country road driving. When I see the posts about 60 + MPG's I am amazed. Also, I just past the 3 k mark on my 2008 Prius. I am not sure a scan gauge would be worth it because I mostly drive 6 - 8 mile commute most days in the City. Any recommendations? Terry
The ScanGauge simply reads data from your car via the OBD (Onboard Diagnostic System). It doesn't DO anything TO the car. The Scangauge helped my mileage, but Teddy Girl of longest tank fame did not have a Scangauge (at least on one of her first great runs--I don't know about the rest). So, you don't need it to do well, very well. Getting to stage 4 of the Prius and pulse and gliding is the key. Sounds like you are doing all that, so not sure what to recommend beyond pulsing and gliding; if you are annoying other drivers, use a more narrow range for pulsing and gliding. It is normal to lose speed, in glide, stealth, warp stealth...
Yes, that would be my instantaneous MPG. My problem is, I live in a very hilly area of Philadelphia. It feels like most of the time I'm going uphill. Also, the glide portion doesn't last nearly as long as I'd like. For instance, if the speed limit is 35, I'll pulse up to 40 and then glide down to 35 or 30, depending on traffic behind me. The pulse takes about 2-3 seconds. The glide lasts maybe 5-10 seconds (to decline from 40 to 30-35 at maximum efficiency). My mileage is only 920 miles total. Should the glide be a little more efficient after another 1,000 miles or so? I'm getting about 52mpg on average between my first two tanks. 12 mile commute each way, lots of stopping and starting. Lots of hills. I probably should be pretty satisfied with 51, but I'd like to do better.