SUCCESS! The bait worked and the vandals were caught red-handed. The police have all their details and they were booted from the complex. Obviously they were pissed because I found my rear tyre flat (10PSI) in the morning with the valve cap missing (they probably threw it in the field somewhere).
me too. Now I can sit back and enjoy the rest of the vehicle (esp. now that I'm past the break-in period).
And enjoyed I have! It's been nearly 3 weeks since I last pumped. 442.7kms, 6.44L/100km with mostly city driving (I'd say the split was 80/20 city/hwy). Plus a photoshoot.
just completed a cross-country trip with this little bugger. Total distance: 4,683.4kms Cost of fuel: $385.21 (using 91) Best FE: 4.84L/100km (49mpg) Worst FE: 6.69L/100km (35mpg) Two people plus luggage (as well as clothes in the taillgate storage):
How is it working out in GTA traffic? I've only driven the QEW several times in my life, and I swear if I'm ever forced to drive it again, it will be behind the wheel of one of these things: Blackwater USA Some cities appear to have a high proportion of manical, suicidal drivers. Yes, Winnipeg included
Pretty good although people seemed to be in a rush no matter what the time of day. If I accelerate between 2,000 and 3,000rpm, I'll get tailgated. If it's between 3,000 and 4,000rpm, it's not too bad but they'll overtake me eventually. QEW is good. Average speed is 110km/h on the highway. It's basically my main highway since I live close to it. It can get a bit choppy once you get onto the Gardiner as the expansion joints are a bit larger and the potholes become more frequent. (How can you possible have a pothole a few inches deep with people travelling at highway speed? Someone's gonna lose a wheel or bust a spring/shock if they hit one of those).
Same as here in Manitoba: suspect "engineering" and real crap road construction. Southern Ontario also can't blame the use of studded tires for the road "damage" they cause, either, as Ontario banned studded tires back in the early 1970's The MTO appears to now accept the studded tires had little if anything to do with road "damage" as they allow studded tires again. At least for the NW region Driver's Handbook Frequently Asked Questions: Vehicles Highway Traffic Act - R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 625 I wish the Scandinavian style studs were used all across Canada. They actually work a bit better on ice than the regular studs, and cause less road wear and noise. If you get a factory studded Nokian winter tire, they have the Scandinavian stud
Couple of months ago I drove as far east as Dryden. Especially East of Kenora, towards Vermillion Bay, wasn't that new at all
Must've been done between your trip and mine. It's this "Northern Highways Improvement Project". A couple of months should be enough time to rip up the road, resurface and repaint, right? Honestly, they were new. I don't think all places got it since I remember Dryden's roads were the normal light grey colour. I know the ring road around Kenora (Hwy 1a?) is one stretch that's newly paved.
I've seen nothing but pictures of the Smart until yesterday, then ... bam! (Figuratively.) I've had three sightings in the wild in two days, two within an hour of each other last night -- one white or silver (a fleeting glimpse) and the other black. The third was today, and could have been the same as the first one last night; it was in the same general area and it was silver. Interestingly, I was doing my usual P&G thing last night when I spotted the black one in my rear view mirror. He seemed to be very patient as we approached a red light and I figured he might appreciate the chance to save a little fuel (as I am when a conservative driver leads the way). Then when the light turned and the road changed from two lanes to four, he immediately floored it and passed like most of the other fuel-wasters on the road.
We apparently have two or three here in Grays Harbor... at least one red one, and one blue. We've seen several in Olympia, too. I think they are cute! Did anyone else see the article about how that tall basketball player (I can't think of his name,sorry) just got his?
do not know but could be trying to prove a point that it isn't slow? <shrug>. They are fun to drive though and now that the 451 is more accessible (just like how the current Prius is more appealing than the 1st Gen), we're starting to see more regular folks buy it rather than "early adopters" Shaquille O' Neal? Yeah he bought a convertible and I'm sure he won't have the top up lol.
Ok checked my records and that was back in April. So no doubt the summer construction is in full force now. Manitoba really needs to repave the Trans Canada between the #12 turnoff and Whiteshell. They should just repave the entire thing from Winnipeg east.
That would be nice lol. The road changed quite drastically at the MB/ON border. Winnipeg seemed ok to me. I went straight into town. It was the same night the incident occurred on the Greyhound at Portage-La-Prairie.
Last time I drove through Manitoba, about four years ago, I thought the bumpy roads were quite effective at reducing speeding. Also, the water level was so high I dared not pull over, lest we became entombed in the swamp. The nicest section of pavement we found in the whole country at the time was highway 39 in Saskatchewan, freshly paved and very smooth. As for the Smart Car, it seems to me the short wheelbase would make for a choppy ride. What's been your experience, Tideland? I'm also curious to know the top speed, and how it fares climbing the Coquihalla.
lol. Highway 9 between Drumheller and Calgary is VERY bumpy because it's under construction. When the limit says 30km/h, you better be doing 30 unless you want to start leaving a trail of car parts. Yeah, by logic, it would but surprisingly, it isn't as choppy as I thought it'd be (say compared to a 90" wheelbase 2dr RAV4). The top speed is 145km/h, I have taken it up to 125-130km/h and if there's no wind, it's as stable as a normal car. The Okanagan Connector posed the bigger problem I thought. I was able to maintain 90km/h in 4th gear up the steepest stretches (with 2 passengers and all my luggage). 4th has enough power to slowly increase the speed if you wanted to but it was already at 3,500rpm and I'm comfortable at 90km/h. I think I was doing 100km/h up the Coq but I don't remember which gear.