Just wanted to share a little adventure I decided to go on last weekend... Here in Denver we have the highest paved road in the 48 States, the summit of Mount Evans (14,100+ feet) - which I've discovered is only about 30-some-odd miles from my home. Last Saturday I took the Grey Bomb all the way to the top to do some sightseeing, unfortunately there were clouds at the summit, so no spectacular views were possible. But it was still an interesting drive and I plan to go again when I know the weather will be better. Some observations from this trip: 1. Battery went from 6 blue bars to 1 purple on the way up, when I got to the summit I let the car idle for a few minutes until I got back to 3 blue before I shut it off. 2. Had full green before I was 1/3 way down, stayed that way until I got back to 470, about 20 miles later. 3. Mileage was 35.7MPG from my garage to the summit, 101MPG back (per SG-II). 4. My car performed flawlessly, even at 14K+ feet. I Didn't notice any big power loss even when the battery was at 1 purple bar, although I wasn't going fast on the way up (lots of switchbacks getting to the top). Here are some pictures: The Grey Bomb at the summit. Just behind the parking lot there is a short trail that leads up to the very top of the mountain peak... My GPS gave me an elevation of 14,172 feet (A posted sign reads the elevation of the summit parking area as 14,130 feet) And the view from the top...
LOL @ the Fail pic! You got me beat on altitude. Highest I'll go this weekend is only about 12,500ft. asl (Barcroft Station White Mountains, CA.) but I doubt we'll even drive up that far this seaon.
Here are a few others you might consider: HERO 4x4xplore High Roads List ends with Denmark's highest road. Florida's is not listed
I think I've been to the highest point in Florida - it was the top floor of the hotel we stayed at in Orlando. :madgrin:
Florida's highest point is Britton Hill, just off county route 285 in the panhandle, near Paxton, FL. It's a whopping 345ft above sea level.
yah the highest i ever took the prius was mt hamilton, 4000 feet. driving downhill for 30 minutes was great. i got 99 mpg for the entire downhill drive
Not surprising - we've had thunderstorms here for the past couple days. I may have to wait until next season to go back up to the summit...