I started with a Standard Stock Prius System. I have to admit that this process took MUCH LONGER than I thought it would. It took me about 12 hours to install everything and I still had to wait 24 hours for the silicon to cure. But is is complete. My sound system is completely revamped. I changed the 4 main speakers with 65 RMS speakers. I had to customize brackets to install the speakers. I went with 6-1/2 speakers because they are more common. I had to drill the mounts into place, then seal them with epoxy to ensure a solid seal. The wires from the amp to the front door were feed through the rubber grommet. The rear doors were harder. I had to cut off the existing connection, and lead a speaker wire down to the amp. Then I cut off the wiring harness inside the door and wired that into the new speakers. I am using the factory radio because I like the built-in accessories like steering wheel control. This meant that I had to use High Level inputs for the amp. This involved running speaker wire from the radio unit to the amp. I cut the wires for the rear speakers so I could preserve the original door tweeters. This meant that I had to double wire the the connectors. Making two channels into four channels. After this I ran the power and ground cables. It took me a while to find a place to attach the lead-on wire. I decided to go with the Gray Pin on the back of the MFD. This means that the system will be turned on when the car is turned on. Lastly, I installed the Bazooka Subwoofer. I bought the T-Harness so it made life easier. I attached the harness to the back of the radio and nothing happened. You must cut the "Power Antenna" wire and attach it to the amp lead-on wire. The pin on the radio is dead. Also, watch out for the red wire coming out of the battery cable. It is live & needs to be secure. I blew a fuse when it touched metal. All in all- it was a good install. Some what difficult but nothing that a person with good skills can't handle. I also installed the mud-flaps, XM Sat, and Speed Lock system while I was doing all of this. Everything works fine. I did have a scare when the MFD was having problems, but I found that a modex plug was not attached. That fixed it. Pictures on the way! Totals: DVD Navigation: $750.00 Speakers: $130.00 Amp: $140.00 Speed: $65.00 Mud Flaps: $55.00 XM: $299.00 Bazooka: $130.00 T-Harness: $45.00 Parts & Accessories: $150.00 Total:$1800.00 Time: 12 hours Difficulty: Medium to High
Hi X, Congrats and questions. There's another thread devoted exclusively to the issue of whether the standard deck has a live 12v amp on. http://priuschat.com/forums/adding-an-amp-...html?highlight= It was hoped that the 9(I) connection would be live but you refer to the radio having a dead pin and I'm guessing that's the one? You discuss using the Gray Pin (wire?) on the back of (coming out of?) the MFD resulting in the amp being on when the car is on. I'm trying hard not to settle for less than an amp being on ONLY when EITHER radio and CD are on solution, unless I'll lose the beeps entirely when the radio is off which apparently is a possibility. What's your story with the MFD beeps? Did they get louder? Here's a different link all about that: http://priuschat.com/forums/added-an-amp-n...html?highlight= But then in the paragraph about adding the subwoofer you discuss "cutting" the antenna wire for use with the amp ( is it hooked up to something because I'd assumed it wasn't - did you just mean "using"?) Also, my understanding was that the antenna is only on when the radio is on and shuts off when mode goes to CD. Regarding the speakers, it's been posted that Circuit City has a Toyota conversion mount that would work? Also, doesn't the system start out as 4 channels - at least in the sense that it had fader control? Were you talking just about the front speakers (tweeter issue) when you wrote of having made 4 channels out of 2? Gary
Well done!!! 8) Tunes are everything, good tunes are beyond everything. Good work. As an older and now hearing impaired ( too much time in front of huge concert speakers, and ringing in the ears for hours afterwards), the stock sound system is good enough for me. I have to say that the Mega Base speakers in some cars now cause me pain.
I tested the pin on the radio itself with the radio on. I got no power coming off of the pin. The T-Harness that you can buy from Bazooka has a blue wire labeled "Antenna Line". This also is the Amp Turn-On wire. From my experience the wire was dead. I cut the wire going to that pin & spliced it onto my turn-on lead from the amplifier. So if the amp is off, the bazooka is off. The pin i attached it to was on modex 13. It is the gray wire i believe it is number 11 pin. The information i got was from DanMan32. He was of great help. The Modex can be found on the right car side of the MFD. Because I did not cut the front wires, the sound for the beeps remained the same. I did not notice an increase in volume & the sound is still active when the radio is off. I believe that the sound for the beeps is coming from the door tweeters. Looking at circuit city's website & going to the store, they did not appear to have anything for the Prius. The guy could only find a 1/2 inch depth adapter which was NOT what i was looking for. Crutchfield has another adapter which might work better. It is the shape of a triangle. It is made for a Honda. What i had to do was retain the front speaker connection to the tweeters. This meant that the wires had to stay intact. So i have to cut the rear speaker wires only. Then I cross wired those speakers on to the adapter that came with my amp. I basically had to have both front & rear speakers coming from the same channel. This cost me the ability to fade front to back but it allowed me to keep the tweeters. So as far as the amp is concerned it has 4 channels going into it when in reality it only has the two rear channels going into it. Hope that helps. Hdrygas, I do have to say that i can make the sound much higher than i should. If I want to go blasting the speaker system now i can. But i have found that moderate volume actually sounds a bit better. Less bass but better on the ears.
Could you please post pictures of the head unit in the Prius and the speakers etc (especially the woofer)
I added a 4-channel amp. Each channel goes to one of the 4 door speakers. The bazooka has a built-in 100W amp.
Ok, now I'm worried because I'm planning on doing the same thing (except not adding a subwoofer) and was not planning to have to create 4 channels out of 2. I certainly intend to keep the tweeters but had no idea there would be a problem that would keep the signal feeding them from traveling through the amp along with the signals feeding all the other speakers. Is there some reason one can't detach the current speaker wires from the head unit, and in their place run new speaker wires to the 4 channel amp (which would have 4 speaker inputs and 4 speaker outputs) and from the amp run new wires to all four speakers. Regarding the front speakers, I had imagined two front speaker wires leaving the head unit would each remain intact until inside each front door, at which point a branching of that single speaker wire enabled signaling both the tweeter and the woofer, each having its own hardware frequency filter to match its particular signal need. In my case, the front speaker system I'll be installing has a free standing crossover unit, but that that wouldn't change anything. So I'm not understanding why adding a four channel amp changes any of that. Why would the tweeters have to be kept wired directly to the head unit, without going through the amp as the signals to the other speakers do? Of course in that scenario it wouldn't technically be a "tweeter" wire at the time it went through the amp, but instead just be the "not yet branched apart" front speaker wire.
A: You will have to run new speaker wire anyways. B: The rear speaker lines are on a seperate modex connecter than the front. C: I was advised that cutting the front speakers would yield poor sounding tweaters. Attaching them to the amp, might blow them up. D: You are still going to run into the problems with the rear door. E: You can split the sound off after it enters the door but I don't know if that will cause the problems that were listed to me.