OK, I went and purchased a 2008 Honda Civic Hybrid, and I have a 2007 Toyota Prius Hybrid. Prius 409.1 miles city/hwy 3 PIPS left, it took 9.366 gallons= 43.679 mpg Honda 476 .4 miles /400 hwy /76.4 city 3 bars left it took 11.113 gallons = 42.850 mpg. This is very close considering the HONDA has a larger fuel tank capacity and the HONDA was under different driving conditions with a full trunk of luggage. The honda has a great ride, it actually feels like the PRIUS TOURING PKG because of the suspension. PRIUS 6 fill ups 1,818.8 miles taking 44.347 gallons of gas = 41.0129 mpg. That's what the Prius is averaging. On the first PIP of the PRIUS we are averaging 191 to 200 miles. The Honda is averaging very close to the PRIUS on the first bar mileage. The gauge showing fuel mpg on the HONDA is very accurate compared to the PRIUS.:car:
As others will no doubt remind you. The Prius MPG cannot be accurately gauged with one fill up. The gas tank bladder causes inconsistent fill levels. You will need to comare the vehicles under equivalent driving conditions over a longer time period. In General, the HCH and Prius will get about the same highway MPG, but the Prius will do better than the HCH in low speed traffic. Both are nice cars. JeffD
Same here. Have you seen the trunk on the Natural Gas Civic by the way? Our Infiniti G35 Coupe has more room
Jan, I think this makes sense. Over six tanks your Prius averages should be reflective of what is happening for you. Your driving conditions appear to be dominated by highway miles. The reviews I've seen suggest that is where the Civic Hybrid does best and where the Prius is weakest--all else being equal. The Prius advantages vs. the Civic Hybrid are the interior space and hatch, city mileage, and acceleration. (Size/configuration-wise the Civic was not an ideal match for my family and I wanted more pep.)