I have seen the same little light green Prius (Silver Pine Mica?), off on the side of the road on I-270 South day after day after day, always in a different spot. Sometimes on the off ramp for MD124, sometimes a mile north of it. I think I've seen in three times this week. While on the first sighting, I thought it might be an out of gas situation - but not three times in the past week. It's got a little unreadable sticker (at highway speeds) on the back, and a license plate that reads "CLN WTR". Some time back, along the same streatch of road, in the same places, I would frequently see a little light blue Prius (Seaside Pearl?). It had a magnetic white and blue sign on the door as if it was there to advertise something or raise awareness of something - but the sign was unreadable at highway speeds. I'm sure there's a point (though it escapes me what it might be). I'm sure it's intentional..... But all I get are questions about why prius's are so unreliable that people keep seeing the same one dead by the side of the same road every day. So I think the point is being missed. Anyone know what's really up? -Ken
That would not be my first guess. That section of I-270 is a very dangerous 8-10 lane freeway with an average speed of 70+. It's really not the sort of place I would expect anyone to pull over to the shoulder, hop out, and make a day of it. I mean, it's possible... 20874 - Google Maps -Ken
Maybe those are DOT cars and the Field Engineers are surveying the highway and landscape for next projects.
They are saving the enviroment by driving the prius halfway home and then walking or biking the rest of the way
Now that's freakin' hilarious right there. :rofl: You know that reminds me I was thinking of a way to justify a Segway to the wife last week... but the Segway's battery would die approximately 5 miles before I got to work. I was thinking I could load it into the Prius and park the Prius is a parking lot 5 miles from my house and ride the Segway the remaining distance. That would be a long stretch in my attempt to justify it to the wife though.