I remember seeing a post before saying that Prius' would now need HOV sticker in to get free meter parking, but from this site LADOT It seems that escape, civic and prius are exempt. Does anyone know what cities are exempt?
as far as i know hybrid cars with or without stickers is permissible to park. for further information please email [email protected] they even let ford escape hybrids park for free now
Escalade, Yukon, and Tahoe Hybrids need stickers in order to get free parking.. escape, civic , prius are the only ones which does not need a sticker in order to park...
by hybrid if you mean civc, escape and prius then yes... all others need stickers... that's what the link from my first post states...
If by Westwood, you mean the area around UCLA, that is part of the City of Los Angeles. There is, however, a town in northern CA. with the same name.