I am new to the prius group and was hoping I of you may have the knowledge of where the fender protectors go? These are a piece of plastic that has foam strips around it and is about 5" wide and 28" long, there is one for each side. I purchased a 2007 with front damage and the fenders where already removed. The drawing in the parts manual isn't clear where they are mounted. I am looking for help.
If you have the plastic fender liners off and look back into the wheel well toward the door hinges you will see two metal tabs sticking out with a holes in them. The push in fasteners on the your fender protector go in that hole. The The rectangular bump out that (at least on mine) say "6L" or "6R" covers the fender attachment bolt that on the firewall. The rounded edge with the rectangular bump out goes toward the center of the car and the foam goes against the firewall.
Thank You, Jelloslug, Thats where they went, I just couldn't figure it out. Again thank you. It looks like the group is very willing to help Guys like me.