I bought a set of seat covers from a brand new 2008 Prius with a tan cloth interior. You have to remove the side air bag straps- but thats it. You need some hog rings and a hog ring pliers and some patience. Pay attention to the way you take your covers off as you'll need to put these on the same way. I suggest doing one seat at a time. They fit the 04/05 Prius, seemed to be a lot of speculation. They fit nice FYI... I bought these covers for $40 on ebay- front and back. The back seat doesn't fit as 'tight' but it looks good- you can't tell... and for a used car that had some cigarette burns in the front seat I'm STOKED... there is a very SLIGHT difference in the shade of tan on the carpet on the back side of the seats... which... again you just don't notice. Tuck
Tuck, I did the same thing. Bought a brand new set of OEM seat covers taken off a 2008 Prius on eBay for about $50. I only put on the driver's seat bottom cover because my original was damaged. I'm keeping the rest of the covers as insurance to use only if and as necessary. BTW, I know you did it yourself. But for almost everyone on this forum, any reupholstery of the seats is best left for professional auto upholsterers.
Nice. I got a new set of gray covers off of ebay to put away when the '08 needs a little face lift in the future. I would love to get an extra carpet also...
I don't know... I'm no professional this is the first time I recovered seats.. I think the majority of people could do it on their own. I'm an optimist though... hard core. I shouldve taken some pics of the process- I just don't want you to scare anyone off from doing it themselves... You can't really screw them up if you pay attention to the way they come off... and if you did then you could resort to a upholstery guy to save you you need a side cutters to cut the hog clips that hold your seat covers on, and a hog ring pliers to replace the hog clips... other than that you could take digital pics of the seat as you take it apart to remember how it goes back on. Bill- did I miss a post or something? was someone trying to sell some covers? (thats what I'm guessing) because I'm not spamming anything- Tuck