:Cry: I know.... I know... I'm an apple geek and a Prius geek. But seriously. I purchased (or rather, was given a free upgrade) to a 3G iphone yesterday. I eagerly went into my car and plugged it into the Sli2 I've got installed in there and while the iPhone will interface and play music from the iPhone it refuses to charge! Anyone else get this issue with the new 3G iPhone? Just curious... I thought it worth posting here as I think quite a few owners here will have the same combination as I. Nikki.
Same with the Dice Electronics Silverline. When the iPhone 3G is plugged into it, a message pops up that says the charger unit is not compatible. There is some chatter on the iPhone forums that the 3G does not work with first generation car chargers. I sure hope Dice offers a replacement cable soon.
I'm a huge Apple guy and a fellow Prius owner...but I'd like to interject one thing... THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT I HATE ABOUT APPLE!!! They do this crap just to continually screw with 3rd party accessory makers...and just because they can. They pulled this same sort of crap at least 3 times with the iPod line...I'm not at all surprised that they are doing the same thing with their silly phone products. (For all of my Apple loving...I'm still using my HTC Hermes and it does just what I need and I can do whatever I want with it)
Vias told me their new unit was fully compatible with the 3G iPod. Apparently not? huh..... well, Vias Tech is a member of this forum, I think I'll PM him a link to this thread and see if he can help..
It sounds a bit bad, but I'm glad I'm not the only one. I will try and find an upgrade dongle this week so I can upgrade the software on the Sli2 to the latest version, which although it won't fix this particular issue hopefully will enhance the user experience. In the meantime I'll always have to make sure the iPhone 3G is charged when I leave the house, or perhaps think about taking my Sli2 and putting it in Daphne, Kate's car. (She got my old iPhone when I got my free upgrade) Cheers, Nikki.
Sli2 with iPhone 3G - VAIS Technology Forum According to this thread, they're looking into an adapter that will fix this problem.
Brilliant! I'm glad my post was listened to over there. Good tech support is something I really value in a company
FYI - the upgrade cable has been out! I sent them an email asking about the price and it's $30. You have to call them up on the phone and order from there.
It's on their online store too I ordered it there and it should arrive next Monday! Can't wait to be able to charge my phone in the car again...
AgoraCart 4.0K-4b Standard* I don't think you can direct link to specific items in their store... but it's easy to find.
fwiw, I just called vais and they said the cable doesn't work with the aic-100i so for those of us with the older model ipod adapters . . . its either to wait for an aftermarket adapter or upgrade to the sli2-up
In case anybody wondered... I finally got the time to have it installed today and the upgrade cable does exactly what you think it does: charge the phone