I just talked to my local Toyota dealership (Hansel Toyota in Petaluma, California), and they're saying that upgrading to the latest version of the navigation system database costs between $600 and $700. Is that really right? I'm kind of appalled. It seems to me that this should be part of normal maintenance. It's just a predictable that there will be new roads (especially in our semi-rural county) as it is that oil will break down in an engine; I really expected them to say "Sure, we change that out every 30,000 miles." But even if it isn't, $600, for pity's sake? It's a CD. It should cost, like, $20 tops. Has anyone else encountered this outrageous gouging, or come up with any ways around it (other than just driving on roads that have been there since I bought my car)?
This has to be a cruel joke. My 2006h Prius has the worst navigation system I've ever experienced. It's missing too much info (at least in California) and it often doesn't know how to calculate a decent route. It can't figure out shortcuts, which every other system I've had suggest. I have a Navtech-based system in another car, which is actually a year older, but is more accurate and much better at choosing a route. The iGo GPS application I have in my phone is also considerable better than the Toyota system. As I said, these guys must be joking.
Owner must want a new boat. The nav dvd is about $250 retail. You can replace it yourself if you can't find a Toyota dealer who wants more than 100% profit! Their cost is about $125. It takes 5-10 min to replace the part. So perhaps $25 labor.
Alternately, if you wait about 6 months after the release of a DVD (March/April), you can usually pick up a DVD on eBay for about $100. Wait a bit longer, or simply run one version behind and you could pick them up for practically free...
Exactly why I deleted Nav option when ordering my car. As Prius car's are so different from any I owned in the past I throughly researched before buying. I simply plug my Nuvi into my laptop and wham-o,done.
i'd stay away from ebay as some of them are counterfeit, and its been reported here before, if your going to pay money for a counterfeit then you should probably elimiante the middle man and download it yourself please do not follow my advice its illegal, heh
Yep! I saved a lot by not buying that darn nav option on either of our 08's. I now have a Nuvi 660. That is if the wife doesnt steal it away from me! :fear: If she does I shall just have to get another I guess! The new nuvi 5000 looks hot!
The current DVD is such a massive pile of suck that it might be worth $700 to get a decent NAV system. That's a big assumption, of course.
I have a Garmin IQ3600 GPS in mine (2008 package #4) that works great - IMO it has the best and most configurable user interface. Easy to use, finds pretty good routes, and I can use it in any car I drive. A friend has a package 5 with the Toyota Nav and after seeing how it works, I'm so glad I bought a #4 instead...
Apparently the $700 price IS right for this dealership. Are you willing to share the name of this dealership so that others can stay away from these thieves? They shouldn't really ask for a $5-600 profit for placing the new DVD in the DVD player's slot. That's just taking SEVERE advantage of a customer. ... Brad
Man- I upgraded my nav DVD last year in my '05 and it was $125 from the dealership and all I did was open the little DVD door under the driver's seat and push eject and then insert the new DVD and I was done. Took maybe 15 seconds. Is the '08 nav system that different?
man, if the dealership is selling the current nav dvds for $125 u should post the name and address !!!!!
Did you read the above threads? There's a link that'll take you to a great dealer. Additionally, I posted a thread there that'll privide info on how updates affect the costaletech lockpick, and the approprate work-around.
That is a surprise, as my last car a Mazda also had a navigation system and they sent me the updated dvd once a year for free, i thought it would have been the same for the prius but i guess not.
Well, I like the idea of the in-dash NAV always being there, instead of maybe a smash-and-grab job losing me my portable while on a trip. It's far better than maps, especially the find-McDonalds-en-route stuff. As long as the McDonalds was there 4 years ago. And is STILL there. Ideally, the 2014 Prius I plan to buy will get basics off a DVD and details updated weekly via satellite, but I have to hope the cost is acceptable...
$62 dollars to download the Garmin Nuvi 2009 update. It took about an hour and a half to install from my computer to the Nuvi 350