Put on 300 miles on new 2008 Prius and now have weird noise under hood similar to fanning a deck of cards or a baby rattlesnake. Dealer says normal sound for 2008 - i say they don't know what it is. What do you guys think?
Repeatedly press the brake pedal while the car is READY. If you hear the "weird noise" intermittently, that is sound produced by the brake pressure accumulator pump, and is normal.
The owner's manual states that noises will be heard periodically from the car. Mine makes a noise like you are talking about every time I go into the garage. Either the car is trying to say something to me, or it must do that a lot. It has not been a concern to me because of what I read in the manual. Mike
Are ya'll talking about the noise made when the antifreeze is dumped into thermos when the engine is turned off?