MiHG Group Buy on EBH and SG-2

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Care, Maintenance and Troubleshooting' started by BJFons, Aug 8, 2008.

  1. BJFons

    BJFons Junior Member

    Jan 2, 2006
    Jackson, Wi.
    2017 Prius
    Hello to MiHG members and friends,

    The Milwaukee Hybrid Group is announcing another Group Buy on Toyota Prius Electric Block Heaters. We will be offering the new OEM combined EBH that is now for both the 1st and 2nd generation Prius as well as for the Toyota Camry hybrid. Contact us at the MiHG below for our current price for EBH’s. EBH’s are now in stock and available to ship immediately. Prepare and install while it’s warm…now there’s an idea.

    The MiHG will also be planning an EBH Install Gathering sometime later this summer in the Milwaukee area. This will be for all MiHG, MHG, CPG or CMPG members as well as any other interested Prius or TCH owners. A donation per install is suggested for our MiHG/CPG team of installers. Put all these costs into the perspective. Many Toyota dealers do not even carry the Prius EBH, if they do carry them they charge about $60 per EBH and here’s the kicker around $200 to install. So do the math $65 vs $260.

    EBH’s, in general, are a cost effective means of mitigating the negative effects of cold starts. They can lower tailpipe emissions and raise fuel economy in the first 5 minutes from cold startup. These particular Prius EBH’s will also help speed up the 2nd and 3rd stage of warm-up by raising operating water temperatures quicker. Typical electric costs for the recommended 3 hour timing are about .30 to .40.

    To compliment your purchase of an EBH, the MiHG is also offering a group buy price on the Linear Logic ScanGauge 2 with X Gauge. Contact us at the MiHG below for our current price for the SG2’s . This is an essential tool in so many ways but this is the only way to determine the water temp in monitoring the warm-up stage in the Prius.

    ScanGaugeII - Trip Computers + Digital Gauges + Scan Tool

    If you buy an EBH and you’d like it installed, we’ll notify you of the date and time of our Install Gathering later this summer. If you cannot join us, remember that the EBH needs to only be plugged in for no more than 3 hours before a cold start, so a good appliance timer (indoor or outdoor depending on your needs) should be purchased from you local home supply store.

    If you are interested in either group buy of the OEM Toyota EBH or the Linear Logic SG-2, please contact us at [email protected] for our great pricing.

    Bradlee and Justin Fons
    Milwaukee Hybrid Group

    “Drive less when you can – Drive $mart when you doâ€
  2. bestmapman

    bestmapman 04, 07 ,08, 09, 10, 16, 21 Prime

    Apr 8, 2007
    Kentucky near Cincinnati, OH
    2021 Prius Prime
    Hi Bradley,

    When is the next meeting.
  3. BJFons

    BJFons Junior Member

    Jan 2, 2006
    Jackson, Wi.
    2017 Prius
    Hi Jud,

    Our next meet will be next weekend, August 16 at the Oak Creek Public Library. I'll be posting our agenda online this weekend so watch for it.

    We'll be having the Prius PHEV that was converted at Hybridfest 2008 at the meet with a presentation by it's private owner Francis Vogel. We'll be having several other presenters, great food, Drive $mart training and our wonderful MiHG camaraderie.

    I know it's a trip but consider coming over for a great time. If you can't, stay in touch.
