I think I've read every thread on broken antennae and shark fin reception! Here's my problem: The metal ball that the whip screws into broke off the base. Toyota says $700 for parts and labor. That's not going to happen but I have terrible to no radio reception right now depending on where I'm driving. So, I have two questions: Will the shark fin work without that metal ball (I have nothing to screw the whip in, if you know what I mean) and/or can I just solder the metal ball back onto the base? The worst is I didn't even do this! The garage I park in (NYC) did it and the idiots tried to GLUE it back in (with Elmer's no less) so I didn't notice the antenna was broken until it fell off on the highway--luckily it got caught in the rearview windshield wiper. But because I didn't report the damage before I left, they claim no liability. Any help out there?
There is an antenna lead inside the Sharkfin. It has to attach to something. I will have to assume you have some kind of wire where the antenna was to attach the Sharkfin. If it's totally wierd, send a photo.
If you post a photo of what you have to work with, it'll be easier to see if the Sharkfin will connect to it.
My ball broke off when I backed it into the half-open garage door. I stripped about 1" of the wire that was sticking out of the hole, wrapped it tightly around the lead on the sharkfin, and it worked great. Looks sharp too. Solder would be in order if you are in a coastal climate or they salt your roads (just as insurance against corrosion). Alternatively, you could sue them in small claims. Their policy is may be unyielding, but they don't write the law. Then take the settlement and buy a shark fin, and some other upgrades
The part 168.54 from parts.com and it looks like there is one nut that holds it on. It might take 1/2 an hour to swap out.