Unsavory Car Dealers

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Main Forum' started by mark1154, Aug 6, 2008.

  1. Tchagray

    Tchagray New Member

    Aug 5, 2008
    Long Island NY
    2008 Prius
    OK, check this out. Went to a dealer today figuring that I would just look at other Toyotas since this whole Prius thing was getting out of hand, and frankly, I resent it. BUT, I drive the lot and see at least 4 or 5 08s...probably orders. The guy at the dealership tells me "Sure, we can get whatever you want by the end of the month". What's the catch, right? He says that since they're a huge dealership-new multimillion showroom and all-they get as many as they can and mark up $3000 over sticker. That fits in with what I learned here about the retail model of higher volume stores getting preference.

    Anyway, he says they also buy from other dealerships at premium. Takes out the Big Book of Prius orders. Then, he shows me an 08 pkg3 I can have today (or until it's bought) at 3 over sticker. I had to restrain myself even though it will probably be gone tomorrow. We then had a very cordial discussion about this Prii market. He claims (of course) that the prices will only go upwards of 30,000 after 09-(Next Gen?). He didn't think other new hybrids would make a dent. (of course not). Said Hertz just order en masse for their fleet.

    So tonight I crunch numbers. Do I give up something else and grudgingly fork over the 3 grand? Do I refuse to play? I'll sleep on it and decide tomorrow. Let's hope it didn't go up another 3 grand by tomorrow!
    Thanks, Lveh8lve, for the Albany tip, I may just bite.
  2. ranchogirl

    ranchogirl New Member

    Jun 8, 2008
    Southern California
    2008 Prius
    No, of course not.

    Go to Toyota.com and go to the dealer locator. Do a search for all of the Toyota dealerships within 250 miles of your zip code (the largest area it lets you search). Print it out, and start calling, making notes next to each dealership you call.

    Ask - "I wanted to know what packages and colors of Priuses you have in stock."

    Then ask - "Are you charging a premium or forcing any add-ons?"

    You will quickly get a "short list" of dealerships not charging over MSRP. These are the ones to go visit or put your name on a waiting list over the phone. Do not give ANY MONEY for a deposit until you have in writing that they will not charge over MSRP.

    Then you will discover that about half of the dealerships on your short list have lied to you about not charging over MSRP just to get you in the door. Cross those off your list.

    You'll then be left with a short list of dealerships that are the real deal. Put your name on the waiting list at one of more of those dealerships. The larger the dealership, the faster you'll get your car.

    Hope that helps!
  3. Tchagray

    Tchagray New Member

    Aug 5, 2008
    Long Island NY
    2008 Prius
    Thanks, ranchogirl..... that does help. I've mostly done alot of that...which is how I got to this last dealership, the only one that had 1 for sale on lot...and ironically, it's the dealer closest to me. Every other one on the island is also selling over sticker for 08 orders. Long Island is a tough Prii nut to crack!

    But at least now I can maybe bargain down to sticker (how sad is that?) because I know that's the lowest I'll get. Supply & Demand baby!:(
  4. dwreed3rd

    dwreed3rd New Member

    May 13, 2008
    Marietta, Ga
    2008 Prius
    It's always worth a try, but I sincerely doubt that you will be able to "bargain down to sticker" until the current feeding frenzy is over or Toyota starts cranking out the 2010. I honestly believe that the only dealers that will sell for MSRP are the ones that are already doing so, and their allocation lists are long. I don't see any dealer already gouging their buyers coming down to MSRP for anyone. But go for it. And let us know how you make out. Good luck.
  5. Celtic Blue

    Celtic Blue New Member

    Aug 4, 2008
    2008 Prius
    Confirming what I have been saying. You could get a deal in Spring, but not this Summer, just as I had concluded. The post I was responding to was one suggesting folks weren't good negotiators if they couldn't get a deal recently. The person was just flat out wrong. Timing is everything. I would have liked to buy in April/May, but had a far larger financial commitment to make. It was painful watching the inventory dry up.

    It is supply and demand. Prices climb when inventory is non-existent.
  6. sorka

    sorka Active Member

    May 9, 2008
    Merced, CA
    2019 Prius
    The $500 increase is effective for MY 2009. Any dealer who is telling you otherwise, ask to see the factory sticker.

    Also, 2009 just went up on Edmunds which shows the price increase. The 2008 still shows the post april $400 increase.
  7. dwreed3rd

    dwreed3rd New Member

    May 13, 2008
    Marietta, Ga
    2008 Prius
    That agrees with what I just heard from my AutoAdvisor. If the dealer add the $500 increase of the 2009 to your 2008 it's a dealer invoice add-on not an MSRP increase.
    That's for the post.
  8. rayxoxo

    rayxoxo New Member

    Aug 1, 2008
    2008 Prius
    OK, here is a confession from another idiot who needed it now. Duh!

    Here is a Sacramento tale of being taken to the cleaners. They are located on Auburn Blvd if that matters to some of you.

    After the $500 for permission to see one in 3 to 6 months, and even asking if they had any used ones in stock, I was taken out to their lot and shown a 2007, with 16k miles, with zilch for add-ons, ugly black. Was told I could have it for $30,000.

    I left with tears running down my face. They knew I had the hots for one and I was talking cash, (even dumber yet).

    I get a call from them after a month wait and they have a gold one with Pkg#6 just in and wanted to know if I was interested.

    To end this sad tale, I paid $33,500 out the door in cash (please note that vaseline would have been extra).

    Did I mention that this was at a dealer here in Sacramento, California on Auburn Blvd, near Fulton Ave??? Oh!!! OK.

    I really like the car, but they will never get my business again.

    Did I mention that this was in the North Sacramento area? ;>)
  9. SVPriusFan

    SVPriusFan Hymotioned and loving it...

    Dec 24, 2007
    Denver Suburbs
    2008 Prius

    Shawn, sorry to hear that your financial committment prevented you from taking advantage of the deals earlier this year. As a side note, the saleswoman I bought from here in Denver told me I could turn around and sell it immediately for several thousand profit if I wanted to (Hell no). Its been tough hearing about everyone who has had to pay MSRP and more in the past several months...


    Sorry to hear about your story. I hope you enjoy the car - its one of the best on the planet, IMO, and it'll save you in the long run especially if gas continues to go up...
  10. SCfromSC

    SCfromSC I take my gas in a sippy cup

    Aug 28, 2008
    South Carolina
    2009 Prius
    I feel your pain Shawn. Boy do I feel it. I had to pass on a Prius when we first started the decision making process. It was the exact color and package that we are waiting for now, but we did not have the finances right then to take it off the lot. Now we have the money, but are waiting on the car to show itself to us again.:mad: