Hi All, Jetsons is the best. But, where is the XC90 (as this is apparently in the UK, but insert SUV or Pickup Truck for the US) backing out of a driveway running the guy over ? That is the what the statistics indicates happens the most.
OK, One of you engineer types figure out how we can switch our horns to sound like the Jetsons. Might need to modify to avoid copyright....
The Jetson's sound is too funny... I thought of the ice cream truck music a while ago. I figured that if I were forced to buy an after-market noise making device I could make it pay for itself by selling the ice cream out of my Prius. I was also thinking about making it egregiously loud, sounding like a Harley Davidson motorcycle or something. That would really get the attention of a lot of people and highlight the stupidity the proposed law. Or maybe we could make it sound like a jet engine spinning up or down every time the car accelerates/decelerates. At steady speed it could sound like one of these (34 seconds in)... . Tim
+1 If they ever try to force me to have a noise maker, its gonna be really obnoxious. And I will be able to turn it off at my discretion. I was on vacation in Astoria, OR last week and waiting to cross the street. There was a delivery truck idling nearby, which meant that I could not hear any of the other cars as they whizzed by just a few feet away. None of those cars were hybrids. How do blind people deal with that situation?
Hi Tim Walsh, When I was in 1 st grade, and my dad was in grad school, but still on active AF reserve near Philadelphia, we went the the base's air show. We were all in grandstands. And they flew a plane, I believe it was a "Voodoo" about 100 yards out at super sonic speeds. Just simply amazing. Dead quite then, BOOOOOOOOOMM....
Hi All, Of the 10 % of the vehicles I hear the engines as the vehicle approaches, one recently caught my eye. There is a Ferrari guy in town. He has upgraded. He used to have the car that was on the Magnum TV show. But now he has something, that sounds like a V12. I heard it coming up behind me up a hill as I was out for a walk. Clearly, this is not something you want every car in the neighborhood sounding like. Although, it was quite nice sounding.