2008 Prius leans to the left My new 2008 Prius leans to the left (car empty). The drivers side is visibly 3/8-1/2" lower then the passenger side. See attached picture. I took the car to my local Toyota dealer for warranty repair. They said that they could see that that car leans, but Toyota says that 1/2" is expectable. When I called Toyota customer satisfaction, they said they were not going to do anything, and that was their final word. I have also noticed several other 08 Prius's leaning to the driver’s side during my travels. Has anyone else noticed this? EDIT: See post #41 "Inspect very carefully before purchasing!"
Re: 2008 Prius leans to the left Not acceptable on any car, but especially the Prius as any asymetric geomtry issues will most certainly lower MPGs.
Re: 2008 Prius leans to the left You know when I first read this post I had to laugh, then your picture finished downloading and I went, Yep it looks down on the left side. I will assume you shot photo with camera true to the driveway. As I was writing the above I happened to look out at the backside of my Prius, in my front yard and sure as hell, its looking down on the left, Pause, I'm back, tape measure in hand and YEP I am 1/2 inch down on the left side! My tires are equal pressure left to right, It drives true, no drift left or right, but yeah she's a droopin! There is 1/2 inch more clearance in the passenger side tire wells, and from the skirts to the driveway its off by 1/2 left to right, but the same 1/2 front to back! Could be weight distribution of Hybrid unit and ICE up front ...the battery spans the width of the car, and it seems centered, I don't know, put my wife in the passenger seat to even it out!!! Gotta look at the suspension build, maybe a simple shim fix will take care of it. Maybe its already got an adjustment.. GREAT POST!!! Anybody else reading this thread, go find a tape measure and check your Prius and see if it sits even!! This could be a really interesting thread!! 73 de Pat KK6PD
Re: 2008 Prius leans to the left Yes, the picture was taken as level as possible. I have attached more pictures showing the measurements I took on the drivers & passengers side of the car. You can clearly see the difference. Although you can't see the other end of the tape measure, rest assured that it is all the way down to the very level cement driveway. I have seem allot more Prius's with the same issue. Now even my wife points them out to me. I don’t know why allot more people haven’t complained already. What year is your Prius?
Re: 2008 Prius leans to the left Yes, I noticed this on my 2001 as well. My 2004 is not noticeably off. My guess is that this happens because the coil springs are not matched very well...
Re: 2008 Prius leans to the left Wow! Now think about this. Sit in the driver seat and have sombody measure the difference. I bet it's going to be even more off. Toyota better think about installing an automatic leveling system. We can't be driving around with our cars all cockeyed like this. Rod
Re: 2008 Prius leans to the left I thought so, mine is a 2008.Seems like a few more folks in with a leaning Prius!!! Lets hear from more of you Prii owners!! 73 de Pat KK6PD
Re: 2008 Prius leans to the left Come on now,I notice most of these "left leaning" post are from California. Of course they lean left! Seriously,when I go out to measure mine where exactly do I measure? Seems we need a standard spot to get a true read. Oh,at this point this has my vote for post of the month .
Re: 2008 Prius leans to the left Why isn't the button to nominate for post of the month there? Nevermind, found the answer. Bugs? Oh yeah, he meant bribery!
Re: 2008 Prius leans to the left Yes this should be post of the month!! When I measured mine yesterday I used the rear bumper, measuring from the ridge that runs the width of the bumper and slid a tape measure along that point to the ground. I then measured each wheel well from the highest point on each wheelwell to ground. Same for the front bumper. 1/2 inch off!!! I was really surprised and what I found!!! You need to make sure the area the car sits on is fairly flat and true!! Now how to correct it!! or is it really a problem?? 73 de Pat KK6PD
Re: 2008 Prius leans to the left I think this was noticed a few years back, and everyone just took it in stride. The transaxle motors are fairly heavy, which may contribute to it, but you've also got the steering mechanism and various other stuff on the left side of the car. Lose weight, drop some cinderblocks in the RHS rear footwell, ignore it, or whatever, and move on... . _H*
Re: 2008 Prius leans to the left If the left side really had more weight, you'd expect to see faster tire wear on the left. Anyone have access to a wheel scale?
Re: 2008 Prius leans to the left Would the aerodynamic benefit of the extra weight increase fuel efficiency more the the decrease caused by hauling around the extra weight? And would not the weight have to be substantial to offset the weight of the driver in addition to the weight already there? Solution: carpool with a person of size.
Re: 2008 Prius leans to the left OP: how heavy are you?? More serious question... have you noticed anything negative in terms of handling? How is your fuel efficiency?
Re: 2008 Prius leans to the left 180 lbs, and the lean is with the car empty. I noticed the lean 30 days after new purchase. Fuel eff at 50.4 avr after 5700 miles. The car looks stupid leaning to the left, everyone I now makes fun of the car, and Toyota refuses to do anything about it. We should all get together and complain. I have already filed a complaint with Toyota via their website.
Re: 2008 Prius leans to the left I don’t know about everyone else, but learning to live with this obvious defect in the suspension, is unacceptable. The car is new and looks like a whale has been sitting in the drives seat for 100,000 miles. Carrying extra weight on the right side is ridicules, we all bought a Prius to conserve gas.