I just got a call from a dealer (NJ) offering me an option 2 Prius for 27,790. It was loaded with the VIP security system. car mats, paint protection, wheel locks, appearance package, etc. I asked if any of it could be removed and she said no that it is on the invoice as it was shipped from the factory. Isn't all these options applied/added by the dealer? Are some of them added at the port of entry? Either way, I passed. This is the same dealer that has a 4-6 month waiting list (that I am not on). This is the second time (from two different dealers) offering me a car even though they have waiting list which I am not on. Needless to say, both cars were loaded with dealer added options. I wonder if I will ever see a car from the dealer that I put a deposit with.
this is customary practice when a cars demand outweighs supply. its a nice way of saying we're charging MSRP but adding all the profitable extras
At $ 27,790 for a package 2, I'd tell the dealer to find another buyer and walk away. Demand for the Prius is starting to decline because the gas panic is over. Wait a couple months, you will be able to get one around MSRP (that is unless there is another oil snafu). As I have mentioned many times before on this forum: 1) You never get the deal you deserve, you get the deal you negotiate. 2) Never be afraid to walk away from a "deal". The Prius that you are looking at is not the last one on the planet. 3) Never put yourself in a position of desperation and submit to a dealers pressure that the deal has to be closed now, it's a losing strategy (for the buyer). Keith
I was told by the rather straight shooting dealer that I eventually bought my Prius from that some of the accessories (such as the 3M scratch protector) are applied at the port, not the factory. I was also told, that these extras represent about 1/3 of the Prius. The actual mark up is pretty modest, however. The 3M bumper protector that a lot of the Prius get has an MSRP of, as I recall, $69 which seems a lot for what is essentially a Urethane decal, but if you buy this yourself it's around $50 plus applying this makes $69 seem very reasonable. The $1000 scratch protector package being offered by some dealers is another issue; it is really around $350, but they are offering a $650 warranty (if the headlight lens breaks, they will replace it in the 5 years of the warranty). This is a pretty unreasonable (for the consumer) bit of profit taking. If you want a warranty extension for the engine components, that is a better deal for not much more).
Yes it is common practice for in demand cars. I voted with my feet and walked. If the dealer added options that increased the value (maybe) or utility like leather seats, premium radio, the homelink equipped mirror, mud flaps then I might consider it. But adding paint protection, door molding, under coating, wheel lock is BS. It is all low value and high profit. But it;s business. As to why the dealer called me even if I am not on the waiting list. The response was that the car was assigned to someone on the list. Once that person said no, it is put on the lot. Gee, I wonder if the person on the waiting list wanted $3000 of options added or requested it that way . Like me, I am sure they would rather get the option 6 for that price and actually get some nice usable options.
I'd only change tech_guys post (above) to 2) Plan to walk away from a "deal". The Prius that you are looking at is not the last one on the planet.
Are these port installed, applied items actually on the main sticker, the one printed at the factory, or are they listed on the additional dealer sticker sometimes located next to the main sticker?
A couple years ago Liberty Toyota had junk like that listed on the main sticker. I now believe that was all PIO. If the dealer is adding it then maybe it is on a second sticker. Read through www.carbuyingtips.com. Liberty in Burlington had three on the lot when I passed by tonight.
This is true but it is the dealer that decides what port options to add, so if the car has already been promised prior to getting to port, the dealer isn't supposed to just add all that crap unless the customer asked for it.
What's insane is that there are dealers that add "pretty" wheels (i.e., heavier) and wider tires (i.e., bigger contact patch and higher RR) to the Prius at the dealership. They just destroyed the FE of the car, and many buyers wouldn't even be aware of it.
Just custom order one from Japan without any of these 'craps' on.....only if you can afford the wait time. Otherwise, look from somewhere else instead.....
I did put a deposit down for a standard option 2 Prius. However, since you can not order a car (based on what other have posted), it is always a guessing game to see what games the dealer will play when the car arrives. After waiting for months for the car, I am hoping that the dealer doesn't load the car with port or dealer installed options. The contract/order I sign was for a option 2 at MSRP. Nothing stops the dealer from adding port option to all the cars he gets and then saying that a plain option 2 is not available.